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"Thompson!" Will smiles waving to me. I sigh waving bye to my friends.
"Katie" I mumble feeling her still standing behind me.
"Come on, he's been ignoring me for ages I need to talk to him!" She wines
"You have the whole of the lock-in to make out with him" I sigh
"Fine fine" she rolls her eyes walking away, I make sure to blow her a kiss seeing as a smile forms on her face.
"How are we gonna get Jay at the lock-in tonight?" He crosses his arms leaning against my locker. He sucks on a lollipop like a child, he texted me last night saying that Jason had to go to the lock-in and he was going to come up with an idea.
"I have one idea. I need to run it by his mom and his doctor first, but I can't see why it wouldn't work" I shove him out the way of my locker, he squeals like a child batting my hand away which I ignore.
"What's your big idea-" he starts, I cut him off my putting a box in his hands.
"Open it" he looks at me weirdly for a moment before opening it. He holds up a blue face mask that doctors wear looking at it like it's a foreign object.
"Doctors wear it in surgeries and around the hospital, so they won't get sick" I roll my eyes picking it up and putting it on my face. He takes a moment to catch up with his few missing brain cells but then nods.
"This could work, good idea Thompson" he nods

"Don't tell Jason yet. I don't want to get his hopes up just for them to be burned if he isn't cleared to go tonight" I take the box back and put it in my locker. He nods fiddling with the mask still in his hands.
"What about the people? If Jason shows up wearing a face mask people are going to wonder why and come up with a bunch of rumours why he's wearing it" will sighs
"I'm not sure about that part yet" I mumble, I've given it thought. There's no way people won't ask questions if Jason shows up wearing it, even if the whole team was wearing it people would have questions. They may not be directed towards Jason but they will still have questions and theories.

"Let's just see if he's cleared first. Then we can leave that part up to Jason. I'm sure I could get the whole team to wear the face mask, so Jason would feel more comfortable" he says after a moment of thinking.
"Let's just get the first part out the way" I smile, just on time the bell rings as awkward air fills the space.
"See you later Thompson" will nods walking away. I release a breath I didn't realise I was holding, Will may be Jason's best friends and a pain in the ass but we aren't the closest. I barely know him, if he weren't friends with Jason I would never choose to hang around him because he's so weird. But he's also good for Jason. Will's the soft, childish one whilst Jason is the dirty minded, closed off one. God knows why their friends and how they even got to be friends. That's a question I want to ask Jason, I couldn't see how they would become friends other than the team seeing as they are opposites but also very similar at the same time.


"So what's happening tonight then?" Mom asks, I sigh grabbing fruit from the fridge to make a fruit bowl. I talked to Melissa and Jessica about my idea which they both loved, I'm waiting on Melissa's call to tell me if he's cleared to go or if the plan isn't good enough.
"I'm not sure. Even if the plan is cleared, people are going to ask questions. Everyone already had suspicions about Jason because someone saw him at the hospital and spread it around, they just don't know why he was there"

"I'm proud of you" mom smiles from her seat.
"You've coped with this whole change in your life very well. Your a teenager too, you shouldn't have to go through this and watch your boyfriend go thorough this. I'm proud of you for sticking with him and doing everything you are for him" she walks up to me and wraps her arms around me. I feel a huge amount of tension release from my shoulders making me relax a little. I hadn't realised how much this had been affecting me not only mentally but physically too recently.

Just as I break away my phone starts vibrating on the counter, I quickly pick it up and answer it.

"Hello" I sigh, my fingers cross hoping Jason will be cleared. I'm not sure what I would say if Jason shows up wearing a mask but it's more import that he's there than people asking questions.

"He's cleared"

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