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I watch anxiously as the board changes from in surgery to post op. Relief flows over me when I see the doctor walking towards us, he's still wearing his gown and scrub hat from surgery but he looks happy.
"Mrs Parker, Lexie" he smiles
"Is he okay? How did it go?" Melissa asks
"The surgery was successful, he's in recovery now you should be able to see him in 10 minutes or so we're just setting up the room for him in the icu and taking him in" the doctor smiles
"You got all of it?" I ask
"Yes, we got it all. We're going to biopsy the tumour and see if it's cancerous we should have the results in about three weeks" I'm disappointed knowing it's going to be a long nervous waiting game for the results but I'm relieved he's okay.

"What if it is cancer?" Melissa asks
"Then we start him on chemo and start radio therapy. We're not there yet, we're no where near that. Let's just be happy he's doing well. I'll send a nurse out here to tell you when you can see him" he says. Melissa and I nod hugging him and thanking him before sitting back down.

"Is anyone going to tell me why my sons in the hospital?"


"Why is he here?"
"Will" I sigh
"No come on. He just had fucking brain surgery he doesn't need this shit!" He yells, I look over to Melissa seeing Mr Parker looking too. I've never met him before, he looks a lot like his son, his hair is slightly darker, his eyes are more brown than hazel but they look alike.
"He isn't even awake yet" he says turning to Melissa and mr Parker. Will got here a little while ago and said he felt like an ass knowing Jason was in surgery so he had to come. We let him stay because it's obviously tough worrying about someone and not knowing what's going on.
"If you go in there he's gonna freak the fuck out and can you blame him?" Will sighs
"I'm still confused. My son had surgery why?" He asks looking at Melissa now. She just shakes her head turning away.
"The fuck do you care you haven't been here in years why now?" Will asks getting in mr Parkers face.
"Nice to see you will. Melissa. Keep me updated. I'll go back to my hotel, im in no rush" mr Parker says. I can tell Melissa wants to argue but she knows Will isn't wrong.

"Your Lexie right?" Mr Parker asks
"Yeah" I smile
"Jack. Thank you for looking after my son" he says, I shake his hand giving him a smile. I can tell he wants to say something but he stops himself.
"Mrs Parker?" A nurse says


"Hey sunshine" I smile walking into the room. My heart breaks seeing him like this, he looks so vulnerable. Lying in the hospital bed, I can see where his head had been shaved a little bit from where the bandage is, he's got monitors on his chest for his heart and an iv in his arm keeping him hydrated and giving him his meds. His eyes are barely open, he looks like a sad puppy.
"How you feeling?" I smile kissing his hand, Will goes in and stands next to his bed as his mom sits in the chair beside his bed opposite me.
"Like I just had my skull cut open" he says, it comes out as more of a whisper as he's still waking up from the surgery.
"Aren't you just a ray of sunshine" will laughs

"How's max?" Jason asks, he plants his hands at his sides to try and push himself up but will stops him pushing him down gently. Jason glares at him but doesn't argue or fight back, he settles in the bed clearly trying to find a comfortable position.
"Everything's cool, just relax man" will smiles. I can see the heartbreak in his face seeing his bestfriend in this state. Jason never allows people to see him so vulnerable but now he can't even sit up straight without hurting.
"When can I leave?" He sighs relaxing his head in the pillow. He's on loads of meds but I can tell he's still in pain. The door opens as the doctor walks in.

"How you feeling?" He asks looking at Jason.
"Never better" Jason says unenthusiastically.
"I see the sense of humour is still in tact" he laughs
"When can I leave?" Jason asks again
"Earliest is three days. Depends on how fast we can get you on your feet and how your feeling. Don't rush it you just had surgery" he laughs patting Jason's leg.
"Three days?" Jason groans
"That's 72 hours" he sighs
"It will go quickly" I smile holding Jason's hand.
"That's 4,320 minutes!" He argues
"Your quite the maths quiz aren't ya" the doctor laughs,
"I'm not a geek. I just happen to know numbers" Jason mumbles covering his face with a pillow.

The doctor laughs taking the pillow off his face.
"Don't suffocate yourself or you'll be here for even longer" He takes Melissa out to talk probably about what happens when he goes home and his meds. Jason scowls at his back as he walks out.
"Asshole" he mumbles
"Hey he's your doctor" I laugh, he rolls his eyes looking up at me.
"Do you need water? Or something to eat? Or maybe you should just try and get some sleep" I ramble on. Jay smiles softly and will laughs looking at jay.
"I'm good. Sit, relax" Jason says
"Are you sure? I can-"
"Sit" Jason says pulling on my arm. I sigh and sit in the chair next to him again.
"Does your head hurt?" Will asks, we both look at will like he's stupid.
"It feels like I've had 10 tonnes of bricks fall on my head" Jason says, Will slams his mouth shut as Jason laughs quietly. He winces and hisses, his laughter fading quickly.
"Don't make me laugh" he mumbles
"My bad" will smiles putting his hands up in defence. Will walks over and drops in the chair beside me handing me a blanket. The doctor said jay will probably be tired as the medication wears off. Which must be happening now as his eyes seem to get heavier. His eyes fall shut not long after and Jason falls asleep again.

"Are we gonna tell him about his dad or just let them run into each other?" Will whispers
"I don't know. I figured his mom might speak to him but I now realise that's highly unlikely. There's no point worrying about it now, if we tell Jay who knows how he's gonna react" I sigh
"Probably try and beat the living shit out of him" will laughs
"I wouldn't blame him" I sigh

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