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April 4th

When I walk into the living room the tv is playing outerbanks. Jason is lying in the couch with max laying by his feet. Will, cooper and Kai are scattered around the living room on the other two couches watching tv. Melissa is at work again. And the house is silent.

It's been 2 weeks since Jason left the hospital and he's only gotten worse. It's now a waiting game. We all know that.

The front door opens and shuts. No one moves an inch. Melissa walks in and throws her keys on the side before walking over to Jason. She runs her fingers through his hair and kisses his cheek then sits on the floor beside him.

"I-I thought you weren't supposed to be back until later" Jason whisper hoarsely
"I won't be going into the office for a while" melissa turns and answers Jason. He nods ever so slightly but doesn't say anything else.


Three days later Jason got to witness the sunrise. I got the phone call from Melissa at 7:23am. I was already planning on missing school like I had for the past few weeks. My mom was in the kitchen.

Jason was prepared. We all thought we were but we weren't. How can you be prepared to lose the love of your life? But jason must've known he was coming to the end of his life. The night before he died he sat with me and made sure to tell me everything he wanted me to know.

"Thank you for loving me when no body else did" he whispered to me.

I had never cried so much in my life until this point. Not until I was told that the boy I had lived with my whole heart for the past two years had died.

I had never felt so sick. I collapsed to the floor and cried. I cried for my heart. I cried for my future. And I cried for the life Jason should've had. The life me and Jason should've had together.

We put Jason to rest a week later. Everyone was there. The whole baseball team. Including Henry who even cried. His coach. The whole year watched from a distance. Jason wasn't the friendliest person, he kept to himself but he wasn't a dick. He was nice to people and everyone loved him.

Tyler even gave a speech.

I was allowed to take what I wanted from Jason's room a year later when Melissa decided to move house. She couldn't handle living in a big house where jason had lived his whole life.

I took all the picture frames from our relationship. His hoodie and shirts. And the ring he always wore.

I never forgot jason Parker's smile or his chocolate brown eyes that I loved so much. Or the way he knew there was something wrong when no one else did.

Jason Parker was one of a kind and I'm beyond grateful that I got to spend just a fraction of my life with him. For the next 5 years I wore his ring around my neck and didn't forget him. On his birthday I went with Tyler to his grave. I also brought his daughter.

A week after Jason's funeral I learned I was pregnant. Two months pregnant with Jason's child. She was born 2 days before Jason's birthday which we always spent remembering jason and celebrating his and her life.

Because jason gave me one last blessing which lasted a lifetime. Her name was jayla.

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