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Thursday 7;34pm

"Hey buddy" I smile putting the house key back in the plant pot and locking the door behind me before I scratch max's ears. He smiles and walks back away upstairs to Jason's room probably.
"Dude what the fuck I just died!" I can hear his yelling from downstairs which makes me laugh. I make two cups of lemon tea and walk upstairs to Jason's room.

"Hey" I smile kissing his cheek, max lies on the bed putting his head on Jason's lap.
"Alright man I'll talk later" Jason says, I watch him exit the game and take off his headset turning to face me.
"Hi babe" he kisses me
"How long ago did your mom leave?" I ask, I'm already in pyjama pants and a crop top so I crawl under his covers getting comfortable as max lays on the bottom of the bed. Jason follows suit sitting beside me.

"A few hours. I saw her this morning before school, then she texted me saying she was leaving and might not see me since I had practice and therapy" he shrugs
"She really couldn't stay for more than a week?" I sigh
"She said she needed to go to the office to pick up some files and catch up on some work she's missed. She's taking the next two weeks off. She'll be back on Wednesday" he mumbles, I watch as his eyes flutter shut and I can tell he's fighting to keep them open. Insomnia is something Jason has struggled with a lot but when he's on his meds they always have different effects on him. They either make him tired as shit or give him a lot of energy making it even harder to get him to sleep and sit still even.

"The doctor called" he whispers laying his head on the pillow.
"Surgery is a week on Sunday" he sighs, I sit in the bed stunned. That's why he was being weird, I can't begin to imagine what's going through his brain right now. I can't even imagine what it's like to be in his place, he has a date of the surgery. I can't help the relief that flows through my veins knowing he will miss the baseball game. It's selfish knowing it's something Jason wants to do, he was looking forward to it. But I'm relieved to know there's not much of a chance he will be able to get injured badly before the surgery which can cause complications.

"How do you feel about that?" I ask, he shrugs his shoulder and lays his head on my stomach. I happy accept his warmth. The boy is always so damn warm even I'm here freezing my tits off.
"Dunno. I thought I'd feel happy, I mean I basically have a time bomb in my head waiting to go off. But it makes me even more...like nervous?" He sighs. That's another thing about Jason, he's always had trouble identifying his emotions. He isn't good at identifying or dealing with them so it's common for him to just stay quiet about how he's feeling and not express them.

"I don't know" he sighs
"That's okay" I smile kissing his cheek
"I have to miss practice on Monday for a checkup. Come if you want, moms freaking out about it" he sighs
"Are you scared? It's totally normal, im terrified" I laugh
"Im not sure if I'm scared. I mean I'm not excited about the mri. Im not sure how I'm doing to deal with that but blood pressure stuff are fine. Not that I like being stabbed with a needle" he chuckles. We both know that's not what I was asking or talking about at all but I decide to leave it.
"Do you want me to come?" I whisper tracing circles on his side.
"If your down" he sighs

"I'll be there" I kiss his cheek
"You sure you wanna deal with Will?" He laughs
"Wills coming?" I groan rolling over.
"You love him" he laughs
"He's a softie who never stops talking and complaining" I mumble
"He's the complete opposite to you" I sigh
"Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing" he smiles.
"It's a great thing. Your mean to people when you want to be. Okay maybe not always when you want to be it's a bit of personality-" I laugh
"Ouch!" He cuts in slamming me down onto the bed.
"But your not mean to me. I see a whole different side to you and I love it how only I get to see that side of you" I smile, he stares at me not backing down with the eye contact.
"I'm not trying to do that...like be mean and shit"he mumbles plopping back down onto the bed.
"I know" I smile, I lean up against his headboard and run my fingers through his hair which he smiles at.

"You put up these walls, you hide your emotions, everyone does that I understand it. It's not a problem, it's not something to be ashamed of it's something you use as a defence mechanism to keep from being hurt" I sigh. He stares up at me, his face completely blank of emotion and I can't tell what he's feeling or thinking.
"Stop staring weirdo" I laugh slapping his cheek
"Oh your dead" he smirks. Next thing I know I'm being thrown over his shoulder as he takes me off the bed and holds me in the air.
"Jason!" I squeal
"Take it back!" He laughs


"Fuck off Evans" I sigh.
"Oo pancakes" he smiles reaching over, before I can slap his grabby hands away his claws are already ok the pancakes.
"You asshole your lucky there's extra batter"
"Where's my boy at" he says through a pancakes.
"First of all close your mouth, that's gross. Second, why the fuck are you here? And third my boyfriend, is taking max on a walk"
"Ah" he says sitting in the stool, he helps himself to a plate of pancakes that was meant for Jason.

"How you feeling about the surgery?" He asks
"We still have a week. MRI is tomorrow. I'm calm" I shrug
"You think I'm buying that bullshit?" He laughs
"Jason's cool, I'm calm"
"Yeah we both know Jason's not saying what he's feeling. It's human nature to be scared, he's having his fucking skull cut into the remove a tumour. Jason hides his emotions, that's fine, I get that's not his fault it's his parents. He got dealt a Shitty hand no one can argue that. Thompson you say your emotions, your his girlfriend I'm his bestfriend, we're gonna be seeing a lot of each other" will says stuffing his face with more pancakes.

"Im scared, Im scared of the surgery. Im scared Jason is going to push himself. Im scared it's not going to go as planned. Im scared of losing my boyfriend" I sigh
"I get that" will shrugs
"Jason's helped me more than you could probably ever imagine. Dude brought me back from hell, he's scared, he's hiding it behind those fucking stone walls he put up. You should know though" will sighs
"His dad...his mom called his dad" my mouth is practically on the floor. My ears are ringing and I'm suddenly scared Jason is going to come home .
"How do you know? Are you sure?" I blurt out
"I overheard his mom on the phone, she was drunk the morning she left I crashed here because my parents were arguing" will sighs
"She drunkenly told me everything. His dads coming tomorrow, pretty sure he doesn't know about the brain tumour but he knows Jason has been in the hospital recently"
"Does Jason know?"
"No. His mom thought she was telling him, she thought I was him. But the next morning she didn't say a word I'm pretty sure she doesn't remember a thing" he says

"Dude fucking drenched me. He ran into the god damn lake" Jason laughs walking into the kitchen.
"What are you two doing?" He smiles grabbing a bottle of water.
"Tell your friend to stop eating the pancakes. He's eating them before I can even flip the others" I laugh
"Will stop eating the pancakes until she's finished. Im gonna go shower I smell of wet dog then we're going to meet the guys" Jason says
"Babe you can come if you want?" He asks turning around.
"Im going out with my parents don't worry have fun" I smile kissing his cheek.

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