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"Yo Lexie let's go" cooper sighs reaching over and honking the horn. Will slaps his hand away making them break out into a full blown argument about will not touching cooper and cooper not touching wills car.
"Grow up the pair of you" I roll my eyes throwing my school bad in the back and jumping in wills truck. I stayed at school to watch practice which was boring as shit so I just went on my phone and ate crackers to pass time. Katie ended up dropping Jason off at the hospital since I drove with her this morning and Jason drove with Will so neither of us had cars. I dread to think of the conversations they had, Jason can be a bit of a hothead at times. My friends are head over heels for our relationship but him. Yeah not sure, they like him and they think he's good for me they just hate how mean he can be. And trust me. He can be a dick. But that just makes him protective.

"What time did he say it should finish?" Cooper asks.
"He said be there by 5:30. We wait in the waiting room until he walks out" I sigh. We pull into the parking lot of the hospital and walk around to the hospital then in the waiting room. He's just getting an mri and a checkup so he's not being admitted. When we get in there I lock eyes with a frantic Melissa. Her eyes are red rimmed as she holds tissues in her hands.
"Mrs Parker are you okay?" I quickly walk over to her embracing her in a hug.
"They're taking  him in for the surgery" she chokes out. My eyes go wide as I think about all the reasons why he had to go in now.
"Is he okay?" I ask
"Yes dear, he's fine. He's his usual complaining self. They got the dates mixed up so when he came in for the check up they were ready to admit him for surgery, he's a bit shocked since he didn't expect the surgery to be today" she shakes her head.

Of fucking course they had to get the dates mixed up. Way to calm someone before fucking brain surgery.
"Can we see him?" Cooper asks, I forgot will and cooper were here until now.
"Yeah you kids go in, I had to walk out I don't want him to see me worrying" she smiles wiping her eyes. I'm already walking off to the room he's in before the guys behind me can even begin to walk. I see Jason in the hospital room on his phone. He sits in the chair next to the bed, probably texting people or something per usual.

"Hey sunshine" I laugh walking in. He doesn't look happy at all.
"This is bull" he mumbles
"What is?" I laugh, I watch him run his fingers through his hair as he leans his elbows on his knees. He pulls at the strands, he's clearly stressed out.
"This shit. I shouldn't be here, I don't want to be here" he says, I walk over to him and straddle his lap. I take his hands in mine releasing the strands of hair he was pulling on, his hands are clammy and he's breathing heavily.
"Babe you have to calm down" i murmur kissing his cheek.
"What if they can't get the whole tumour? Or what if something goes wrong?" He sighs
"Babe you have to think positive. They're gonna get it and it's gonna go perfectly" I smile kissing his neck, he sighs nodding his head and kissing my lips. I feel his body relax as he holds me closer and hugs me.

"I love you. Thank you for being here" he mumbles against my lips.
"I'm always here my love. I'll be here when you go in, and I'll be here when you wake up"
"Even when I look ugly with a half shaved head?" He asks
"Of course" I smile. I watch his eyes flutter as he fights to stay awake, I hadn't realised until now that he has an iv in his arm. Everything is so real now.
"Your falling asleep" I smile
"Am not. It's the stupid drugs they have me on for the surgery, makes me feel woozy" he murmurs tiredly.
"How about you lie in the bed" I whisper
"I'm not a sick kid" he says pushing me away. I stand up taking the hospital gown from the bed and putting it on his lap.
"No" is all he says

"Will and cooper are here" his head drops even more, I can tell he doesn't want them here. Maybe it's about him not wanting them to see him so vulnerable, or him being worried about it. I'm not sure but I can tell he doesn't really want to see them.
"I'll tell them they took you in for pre op" another voice says. I see Melissa holding her bag close to her as she stands in front of the door. Jason nods hesitantly as Melissa walks out again.
"I don't want her to be worried" he sighs standing up and taking the hospital gown. I take his hoodie from him and fold it as well as his sweatpants and shirt. I tie the back of the gown for him. I can't help but laugh when he throws the blanket his mom brought over his shoulders and sits on the bed. He looks like a sad puppy with his pout.

"I'll look after her" I smile. The doctor walks in as well as a nurse who goes over and takes his blood pressure.
"How you feeling Jason?" The doctor asks
"Bored. Tired. Hungry. Gross" he shrugs looking at his hands as he clicks his fingers. He's definitely nervous.
"Why gross?" The doctor laughs
"No offence but I really hate hospitals" Jason shrugs.
"None taken. Not many people like them" he laughs
"Do you like them?" Jason asks, he glares at me as I try to contain my laughter. His blanket is tightly on the top of his head like a hood making him look like a child listening in to their parent's conversation confused.
"Depends on how the day goes" the doctor shrugs looking at his chart.
"Do you like today?" Jason asks, he's not stupid he knows what happens in the day that can make the doctor not like hospitals.
"Yes. Today is a good day" the doctor says.
Jason just stares at him not buying his bullshit.

"Are we ready to take you into pre op?" He asks looking at Melissa who's re appeared and is now standing against the door. She nods wiping her eyes and walking over to her son giving him a kiss on the cheek. He whispers something to her making her break out in a sad laugh.

"Be safe my love" I whisper kissing him.
"Make sure you both eat, don't worry too much,  get some sleep" he whispers

"Don't finish outerbanks without me" he says. I break out in a laugh, I never finished outerbanks even though im pretty sure he's watched it 4 times now.
"Alright" I smile

I walk over to Melissa taking her hand in mine as they take Jason out to pre op room. When he's gone I let the tears fall, I look at the board of the operations. Jason's name switches from pre op to surgery after about 20 minutes. Everything is suddenly so real.

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