05 - ᴊᴏʏ

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Previously on Latibule:

"Katsuki Bakugou," he answered, catching up with me for a second just to pass me, going fast enough to make it obvious that the conversation was over.

His behavior was most intriguing, I had to admit. One second he asked me for my name and the next he just... left.

I narrowed my eyes at his back, letting the boy be for now. Katsuki Bakugou... Something tells me that we'll meet again.


Latibule — Chapter 5///Joy


At home, I went into the backyard. I had become more confident with my quirk and releasing energy as bubbles had been getting a bit boring so the past few days I had been experimenting with something new. I shot beams of energy out of my palms and they flew towards the sky before exploding and raining downwards as golden sparkles.

I raised my hand as a little flake glided towards me through the air. It disappeared when it touched my palm but for a split second before that, I felt the warm liquid. It felt as if it held the world's secrets and emotions, as if it would tell me stories of butterflies and flowers and thunder if it could.

My heart burst with joy and nostalgia though I didn't know what I was being nostalgic about. I just felt so... free. I let out a quiet whoop of joy and I just couldn't help but feel that something good was about to happen.

I quieted for a second, listening to the silence mix with the sound of my heartbeat. Birds were chirping and somewhere just behind the fence a car vroomed by. A lone white cloud was sailing in the endless blue sea we people call the sky.

I took in a deep breath of the air and it felt as if oxygen itself was just pieces of happiness. I threw my arms up and enjoyed the breeze gliding between my fingers and around my hands.

My moment was interrupted by the back door opening. I turned and saw my mother, who some relatives thought I looked very similar to. She silently held up an envelope. I didn't have to ask to know what it was.

The storm of joy in my heart calmed within a few seconds and I took the envelope solemnly nodding to my mother before going to my room to open it.

Before closing my door, I heard her start clattering with pans in the kitchen, most likely making dinner for us.

I sat down at my table, opening the envelope only to find no letter. There was just a small disc. I took it out, looking at it as a confused frown graced my face with its appearance.

The disc started to glow and I quickly dropped it onto the table before an hologram of the number one hero, All Might, appeared. "Boo-yah, I am here as a projection now," he declared.

My brows creased further. Last I checked All Might had been a hero, not a teacher.

"I know it's been a while but with great power comes a great amount of paperwork," he explained as if he had known I'd think that. "You are looking at the newest U.A. faculty member!"

I gasped. I wasn't a super-fan of All Might but who wouldn't be excited to know that a celebrity is working in their school?

"So, without further ado, let's get to your results."

I held my breath.

"You passed the written exam."

Halfway there, I thought, nervously staring at the hologram.

"You got 27 combat points at the practical exam, lower than most but not too bad."

My heart sank. I wouldn't be accepted now, would I?

"But worry not because there's a bit more to that, young L/n." I looked up at the hologram once more, a small spark of hope lighting in my heart at those words. "You see, the practical exam was not created on combat alone. We also had rescue points because rescuing is what makes a hero. The judges came to an agreement that you deserved 34 of them."

My jaw dropped as I saw the chart. I had 61 points in total, placing me 7th at the overall charts.

"Wow," I breathed, pictures of the people I had helped at the exam flashing through my mind.

"You passed," All Might summed up. "Welcome, Y/n L/n, to U.A. High."

The hologram flittered shut. I just stared at the disc for a second, my head absolutely empty despite the beaming smile threatening to split my cheeks.

Absolute joy filled my chest for the second time that day. I was accepted! 

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