28 - ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢꜱ

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Previously on Latibule:

The edges of my vision hazed. All at once, I became all too aware of my skin. My fingertips buzzed and my hero costume was torn and damp with blood in more places than I could count. My legs were starting to go numb.

The Hero Killer froze in place before falling over. The ambulance sirens sounded.

My knees buckled and the edges of my vision blurred like never before. Using the last of my energy, I tapped Todoroki's arm to get his attention, and then the world went black.


Latibule — Chapter 28///Feelings


I could only recall a few things.

My body being lifted onto something soft.

A motor starting underneath me.

Voices floating above me, as if someone were conversing just above the flat surface I was on.

Cool air fanning at my body.

My head stinging like there was no tomorrow.

Then, for a while, there was nothing but darkness. Just me and darkness. I couldn't even think as I floated in a seemingly endless void of nothingness, accompanied by a twinge of oblivion.

Then, there was light. Lots and lots of light coming from lamps on the pearly white ceiling. Everything around me was white. The blanket over my body and the pillow under my head. The bandages coating my stomach and my head. White, white, white.

My eyes couldn't take so much brightness so I closed them, tired. From what, I couldn't remember. Every thought I felt I had was as hazy as my vision had been a second before closing my eyes.

The door opened.

My twitching eyelids must've given me away because a second after the door closed again, someone cleared their throat.

"Miss L/n?"

Ever so slowly, I opened my eyes again, letting them adjust to the light bit by bit. The doctor nodded approvingly.

"What's going on?" I asked. My throat was dry and my voice was hoarse. It must've been obvious how parched I was because the doctor handed me a cup of water before pressing a button on some remote, making my mattress rise, therefore pushing me up into a sitting position.

"The Hero Killer grazed your head and stabbed you in the stomach. It was nothing fatal, to your luck, but you lost a lot of blood and passed out. You should be out of the hospital soon but it is advised that you either quit your internship for now or take it very lightly."

I nodded, processing the information I was given as everything came back to me bit by bit. This time, I cleared my throat before speaking. "Where are the others? Todoroki, Iida and Midoriya, I mean."

"They're one room over." The doctor nodded to the left. "I'm supposed to get you there. The four of you have visitors."

I nodded and the doctor wheeled my bed out to the hall and a nurse held the door to the other room open as we proceeded. Before leaving, the doctor said that I'd get my hero costume back later.

After we were left alone, I turned to the boys, none of us knowing what to say for a bit of time.

I sighed, wincing as I did so. Now that I had completely returned to my senses, I could feel the dull ache in my stomach and the pounding in my head.

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