12 - ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ

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Previously on Latibule:

However, what lacked after he passed out, was quickly made up for by others' raging emotions and before I could comprehend what was going on, the hand-covered man lunged at us, holding his hand out to wreck Tsuyu's face the way he had wrecked Mr Aizawa's elbow.

Suddenly, Midoriya was gone from beside me and a strong wind engulfed the boss of the bad guys and everything else in the dome at my classmate's punch. A wave pushed me under the water and I swam for the surface as fast as I could, just to see the smoke clearing and revealing the bird guy in between Midoriya and Hand-Man.

Bird guy reached for Midoriya and Hand-Man was just about to touch Tsuyu when the doors busted open. The smoke cleared and I heaved a breath of relief before my foot was pulled and water started quickly filling my lungs once again as I came to a realization — everything I had just lived through had been only the beginning.


Latibule — Chapter 12///Number One


I kicked with my legs, trying to free myself of the villain's grasp who had most likely just recovered from Midoriya, Tsuyu and Mineta defeating them earlier. However, my opponent was stronger than I expected and I was quickly dragged further and further from the surface and therefore, nearer and nearer to my death.

I looked down, the water and lack of air making my vision hazy as my lungs started to burn, begging for air. But I couldn't give in to the need to breathe, for there was no air under the water. I had to get back to the surface. And quick.

I took action, charging energy up in my palms and firing multiple beams at the villain. The water slowed the beams down enough for the villain to dodge every single one of them and my situation was quickly getting worse as my vision blackened and my heart thudded in my ears, counting down the seconds I still had left in the realm of the living.

As one last desperate attempt to save my life, I concentrated what energy I had left into my legs and kicked. I was propelled upwards, contrary to what I thought would happen, and the light came nearer and nearer as I got closer to the surface.

My nostrils were met with air and my lungs savored it in such a way that I barely realized I was coughing. The sweet taste of air was so addicting, in a way. I wished I could just focus on that but I couldn't. Not with what was going on just a little ways from me, on the dry land.

All Might and the Bird were fighting, my fellow classmates already almost out the door along with my homeroom teacher.

Smoke filled the air after a particularly strong move by All Might and I couldn't see anything for a hot minute. When my coughing fit ended, I used the smoke as a temporary cover and hid low behind the bank so Hand-Man wouldn't try to attack me the same way he tried to attack Tsuyu.

The smoke cleared and I could see the Bird split in half, via the Mist-Guy's portals, with his fingers digging into All Might's sides. All around the two, the lower villains were waking from their dazes and all of them were gathering from their different terrains to come and see the show Hand-Man had arranged.

I saw how Midoriya started bolting back towards the scene and Mist-Guy was just about to block him when Bakugou blasted at Mist-Guy's neck armor and pinned him down. The arrival of my classmates was my signal to move and I pulled myself to the shore, absorbing the energy in the air now that water was blocking it anymore.

In a second, my arms and legs were tingling and, though I was still panting from the fight I had in the water, I felt adrenaline rush through my body, giving my quirk an extra boost.

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