31 - ᴘʀᴇᴘᴀʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ

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Previously on Latibule:

"Just be careful from here on out."

I shrugged, grinning. "No promises. I am a hero in training, aren't I?"

Bakugou smirked, shoving at my shoulder playfully. "You're an idiot."


Latibule — Chapter 31///Preparations


I yawned, sitting in class a few days later. Final exams were not far off and everybody was studying quite immensely, our sleep schedules driven into a mess by our efforts.

Still, Mr Aizawa kept reminding us of how little time we had. It either escaped his notice or he just didn't care that most of us were starting to look like him. He also reminded us that the written exam wasn't all we had to prepare for — there was also the practical part.

The stakes were high as ever with the fact that those who didn't pass would have to go to summer school and, thus, would miss the upcoming training camp.

I sighed, a bit worried. I'd placed 16th in the midterms...

Then again, you didn't really study for those, I told myself, straightening up. I'm sure if you study now you'll do great.

After that thought, I noticed some commotion behind me. It seemed everyone was going to Yaoyorozu's to study over the weekend. I wonder if...

"Sounds like I should be studying with her." It was Kirishima who pulled me out of my mental evaluation.

"You think I don't know enough? Maybe I should beat the lessons into your skull," Bakugou growled.

"I'm counting on it," Krishima chuckled before looking at me. "Ah, on that note... L/n, would you like to study with us? You did as well as I in the midterms..." Kirishima looked away, as if considering whether or not to say the next part of his sentence. "And maybe Bakugou will calm down a bit once you're there."

"I—," I stammered, taken aback by the last comment. "Sure, if you don't mind."

Bakugou, who the last part of the sentence was directed to, huffed, and I could feel his irritation sizzling out into something like embarrassment. "Whatever."

"Great!" Kirishima exclaimed, beaming his toothy smile at us. "So how's today at six sound? At the café a few streets down?"

"Fine by me," I shrugged. "Katsuki?"

"Sure," he huffed, the embarrassment growing thicker as he sunk into his seat.

Kirishima raised a brow at me, probably wondering about the first names.

I just shrugged, giving him a sheepish smile before the bell rang, signaling that we should sit down before Present Mic arrived to teach us about English picture description.


I arrived at the café we were supposed to meet at and spotted Bakugou's spiky hair peeking over the back of a sofa pretty much the moment I stepped into the place.

I walked over and sat down across from him, placing my bag beside me. The stillness of the air surrounding him shifted into something I couldn't quite place when he looked at me, something akin to a smile tugging at his lips.

"Hey," I greeted, smiling. "Where's Kirishima?"

"Right here," the red-haired boy answered, appearing next to me. I scooted over to make room so he could sit down.

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