47 - ʀᴇꜱᴛ ᴏʀ ᴛᴇꜱᴛ?

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Previously on Latibule:

"Interesting," the boy admitted, leaning back against his seat again.

The bus started moving. I let out a yawn, observing my surroundings. There were many colours, mostly consisting of happy yellows and orange stripes of nervousness and excitement. However, there were a few people, like Todoroki and, very surprisingly, Bakugou, who'd blanketed themselves in a thick white veil of calmth.

Settling comfortably into my seat, I let Bakugou's calmth — rolling off of him as soothingly as waves rolled onto the sand on a sunny day — absorb into my skin, slowly lulling me to sleep.


Latibule — Chapter 47///Rest Or Test?


The bus skidded to a stop and my body jerked forward, waking me. Blinking as I leaned back where I had been a moment ago, I realised that I had, in fact, slept on Bakugou's shoulder. The fact became painfully obvious when I looked up and his face was inches from mine.

Cheeks flaring in embarrassment, I pushed myself up and tried to ignore the flurry of beige around me. Note to self, beige stands for embarrassment, I thought while Bakuogu also stood up.

"It's alright, I didn't mind," he said quietly, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. A little bit of beige surrounded him, too. Then he smirked, as he always did. "Tell somebody and you're dead."

I nodded, not taking the threat too seriously for two reasons. One, I trusted him enough to know he most likely wouldn't hurt me and two, I wasn't planning on telling anyone anyway.

We filed off of the bus one by one, stretching as we now had more room to do so than on the bus.

We were standing on a cliff-like place, seemingly a viewing platform of sorts, along with a car that had been parked there, presumably, before us.

While I was still in the middle of making sure my back still worked as it was supposed to, people started talking, everybody ignoring Mineta who really, really had to go.

"This isn't much of a rest area."

"No, and where's class B?"

"You don't really think we stopped here just so you could stretch your legs, do you?" Mr Aizawa addressed the matter.

I sighed. Of course.

Preparing for what was to come I started charging up energy from the air while the car's doors finally opened.

"Heya, Eraser," a feminine voice called, while two rather colourfully-dressed women climbed out of the car, along with a very disinterested boy.

Our teacher bowed in respect. "Long time no see."

"Your feline fantasies are here!" the brunette of the two women declared. "See meow."

"Perfectly cute and cat-like girls!" her blonde partner added.

"You can call us the Wild, Wild Pussycats!" they finished together, posing.

I blinked, not exactly knowing what to feel about the whole ordeal while Midoriya in the back of the group went full fanboy-mode and started rambling about the two until the blonde woman took it upon herself to shut the boy up by quite literally covering his mouth, irked by the fact that he decided to mention their ages and how long they'd worked together along with two other heroes, who weren't currently there with the two women.

"Everyone, say hello," Mr Aizawa commanded, reminding us of our manners.

Then, almost automatically, we chorused, "Hello, nice to meet you!"

The women gave us proud nods before the brunette walked toward the edge of the cliff, gesturing off to the distance. "We own this whole stretch of land out here, everything you can see." She then specifically pointed to a little clearing that could barely be seen from where we were. "The summer camp you're staying at is there, at the base of the mountain."

That's pretty far, I realised. For a second I considered starting to move back towards the bus but what kind of hero-in-training would I be if I tried to skip the training part? Thus, I stood still, listening as Uraraka asked a question.

"Then why did we stop all the way here instead?"

"I'm afraid we both know the answer to that," Tsuyu answered.

"That can't be right," Sato stated, in clear denial.

"Um, back on the bus, quick, let's go," Sero said, starting to turn.

"Good idea," Kaminari agreed. "Load up."

"The current time is 9.30 in the morning," the brunette hero started, all smug. "If you're fast about it, you might make it there by noon."

"No way... Guys!" Kirishima panicked.

"Holy crap!" Mina exclaimed, before most of the class started running back to the bus.

While they did so, I used the time to charge even more energy up, having an inkling about what would happen.

"Kitties who don't make it there by 12.30 won't get any lunch," the brunette hero called out the warning before the blonde appeared out of nowhere, landing in front of those who were trying to escape, and touched her paws to the ground.

Everything rumbled and suddenly we were in the air.

As we fell, I quickly formulated a plan in my head. The nearer the ground got, the more certain I became in my abilities.

Then, when it was time, I thought, Here goes...

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