70 - ꜱᴇᴛᴛʟɪɴɢ ɪɴ

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Previously on Latibule:

I shook off the cold feeling in my gut and picked up my bags and bundles. "Come on, then, guys. Let's check it out."

Slowly, the rest of the class came back to life and we followed Mr Aizawa inside, where we were stopped again for another talk, this time about our dorms.

But even when Mr Aizawa was talking, I couldn't shake off the feeling that some kind of wall had been built between Bakugou and me. But why or by who, I had no idea. And that... That chilled me to the bone.


Latibule — Chapter 70///Settling In


We spent the rest of the day unpacking. And really, there was a lot to unpack, both mentally and physically.

The dorm room wasn't big, but just enough for one person. It wasn't too hard to figure out where I would put what and how to organise everything, and so it was more the actual organising that took the time. When I finally got downstairs to hang out with the others before dinner, Kirishima seemed to share my sentiment.

"I'm so beat!" the redhead confessed, leaning back into the sofa.

I plopped down on another one, propping my legs out in front of me and stretching them after a long day of pacing around in a small space. "So fair, Kirishima. It took a lot more time than I expected."

"Well, I know we could've died and all, but it's kind of exciting to be living here," Kaminari said, diverting the conversation with a beaming smile that his face seemed to always hold.

"A unified class! It's the perfect way to increase our cooperation and discipline. How smart!" Iida exclaimed in agreement.

I smiled fondly. Though I didn't like him at first, I have to admit that I've grown rather used to him being all diligent around here. He's actually loosened up, too, of course.

That was when Mina and the rest of the girls walked into the room. The pink-skinned girl was donning a mischievous smile, making me raise a brow at her as she greeted us.

"Hiya, you guys."

"What's up your sleeve this time, Mina?" I inquired in a joking way.

She chuckled, closing her eyes and gesturing with her hands. "How dare you accuse me of such, L/n? But at the same time, you know me so well...!" She opened her eyes and beamed. "Some of us were thinking here and we thought why not go around and see who has the coolest room!"

I froze for a second, going over everything I had out in my room. Okay... Nothing embarrassing, nothing embarrassing... Maybe that? Nah, that's normal.

I shrugged, standing up. "Why not, count me in."

And with that, against some peoples' (like Midoriya for example) embarrassed wills, we took off to see everybody's rooms. It was pretty cool to see how they reflected their owners. For example, Todoroki's was traditional Japanese, Midoriya's was basically a museum of All Might's merch, Mina's was pink and black and messy and mine was quite plain but still cosy. There were a few we didn't get to see, like Bakugou's, who had already knocked out for the day, and Mineta's, which we really just avoided going into.

After that we ate a quick dinner and then I took my liberty to go collapse onto my bed after a quick shower and setting everything straight for the night.

I heaved a breath before closing my eyes and focusing inward. That was how I'd got control of my quirk at the very start — by focusing on what I could and couldn't feel.

Unlike in the past, this time I tried to no avail. Finally I opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling. I tried to think about the people I'd felt the strongest emotions around, going over the possibility of meeting up with them to just exercise my quirk. But there was one who lingered — Bakuogu. I hadn't seen him pretty much for days (granted I'd seen him that morning but as we didn't talk, it didn't count) and, well, I missed him. It was almost as if I was missing a part of myself.

I sighed again and turned to my side. Why can't these feelings just go away already?

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