41 - ᴘʟᴇɴᴛʏ ᴏꜰ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇ ᴄᴀʟʟꜱ

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Previously on Latibule:

"You okay?" the blond asked, all anger gone from his demeanor as he gently placed his hands on my shoulders, turning me in every direction so he could see that I was, indeed, pretty okay.

"Yeah," I answered, trying to ignore the fact that my heart was picking up speed and the fact that I may or may not have sounded a little breathless. "Thanks."

He smiled lightly before slapping on his usual grumpy expression, looking at the robots gathering around us. "Great. Now let's kick some ass."


Latibule — Chapter 41///Plenty Of Close Calls


"I'm tired," Shiori said, struggling to keep up with the rest of us as we rushed up the stairs and towards the roof, where Todoroki said the rest were heading to.

"We're almost there, Shiori," I assured.

"Are you sure we should be taking her? There will be fighting, you know?" Kirishima asked, worry shining in his eyes.

"We can't just leave her," I argued.

"Hurry up," Todoroki urged us, coming closer and closer to the door. Bakugou flew ahead of us, a blast sounding at the very next moment.

More robots!

We arrived at the door — and at the top of the staircase — and I took in the situation. Placing a hand on Shiori's shoulder, I looked her dead in the eyes. "Stay here, make sure the robots don't see you."

She nodded determinedly. "Right!"

Making sure she was alright with one last glance, I joined Todoroki, Kirishima, Bakugou and Uraraka in getting rid of the robots on the roof, using the same strategy I'd used before.

"Who died and made you the boss?" Bakugou grunted through fighting, irritated that Todoroki was taking the lead again as he described the plan to Uraraka.

"Come on, man, we're a good team," Kirishima reasoned.

"Dream on!"

I almost chuckled, but I didn't, as I was struggling a bit to hold back the robots on my own. In fact, I couldn't charge energy up half as fast as I'd hoped I could, which was, as was to be expected, turning out to be quite the problem as more and more robots were closing in on me.

I looked around for my classmates, hoping one or two of them would spot me in my trouble, but they didn't and they were too far away for them to hear if I yelled. Midoriya and Melissa were up in the air and in trouble, too, and getting them where they needed to go safely was the main objective at the moment. Besides, Todoroki and Bakugou were still arguing.

Thus, I was left with only one option.

In one last desperate attempt to save myself, I let all of my remaining energy roll off of my hands, my hope being that it would short-circuit the robots. In hindsight, that was a stupid idea.

The robots only kept advancing while I was completely out of any countenance when it came to fighting on. My vision started going black and all I could see were the little dots that were the robots' eyes.

Then suddenly, I was weightless. Literally. Light yellow relief flooded my vision. Uraraka.

And then I was scooped into a pair of warm hands, placed onto the ground further from the robots as the girl deactivated her quirk and I could see again, the color of relief and happiness pushed into the background as I focused on the blond in front of me.

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