27 - ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀ

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Previously on Latibule:

I sighed, rolling my head back as a few beads of sweat trickled from my temples.

I was exhausted and yet, when I opened my eyes and looked at the hero who'd taken me as an apprentice, I realized I was wrong to have guessed we could take a break.

In reality we were only getting started.


Latibule — Chapter 27///The Hero Killer


As much as I appreciated the opportunity to train with the number two hero, I couldn't help but be eternally relieved when our field day arrived because the two days had been brutal. We woke up and sparred and sparred for hours on end, the training seeming everlasting and leaving me so exhausted it was hard to keep myself upright to even brush my teeth.

On the other hand, I now understood Todoroki a bit more than I used to. In fact, I now realized the reason behind both his strength and his hatred for his father. I couldn't imagine being trained so harshly for years and years until the point where it was the only thing I knew.

We patrolled the city for the whole day, my only knowledge of the situation being that Endeavor looked to capture the Hero Killer: Stain.

As night was starting to fall, a yawn escaped my lips.

That's when I heard the screams.

Some were human, filled with terror so raw that I could feel it in the air.

Some were more animalistic, more like birds screeching than anything. And yet, despite my quirk, I felt my blood run cold at the sound.

I started looking for the source of it, the air changing so constantly that I couldn't put my finger on where the feeling of terror was originating from. At every corner of a street I thought that I'd arrive at a battlefield but the buildings were never caught in the flames and the only sign that something was going on was the air that was thick with terror and filled screams that were filled with dread.

Endeavor fired at something ahead of us, his action snapping me back to the situation. The flames blocked my vision but I could hear the same bird-like screeches as a creature ahead of us had life burnt out of him.

Endeavor stopped using his quirk and walked on, confident as ever as he spoke. "I was looking for the elusive Hero Killer but this thing will have to do."

I caught sight of the thing and gasped. It resembled the U.S.J. Nomu so much that my mind seemed to collapse into itself at the feeling of dread it brought me. The same bulging eyes and displayed brain. There was no mistake. It was a creation of the League of Villains.

"Thanks, old-timer," Endeavor continued, "but I don't know you."

Ahead of us, near the... nomu, stood a man who bore the same height as Mineta, if not a bit taller.

"I can handle this from here on out," Endeavor declared.

"Look!" a man to our left exclaimed, the woman on his right picking up where he left off.

"Why is he in Hosu?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I couldn't see his face but I'd known Endeavor for long enough to know he wore a cocky smile. "I came because I'm a hero."


Chaos littered the streets. Nomus were everywhere and people were screaming as they ran from the creatures, from the fire, and from vehicles that were being tossed and thrown by the nomus.

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