66 - ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ

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Previously on Latibule:

That instant, the door was opened for me and the man walked out, another police officer — but not the one from before — coming to walk on my other side until we got to the car. It was already light out, then.

I sighed, feeling tiredness wash over me. Maybe I'll get a proper sleep at the hospital? Or at home at least... Mum and dad won't have me explain everything right away, I'm sure. They'll have me rest first...

I blinked slowly, shaking my head to stay awake as I fastened my seatbelt. What a day... Or night, I guess.


Latibule — Chapter 66///Trouble


I stepped out of the car in front of my house, thanking the driver for the ride with a bow. The police had had one of their drivers drive me after I'd got out of the hospital, where I'd got my neck bandaged (along with more minor injuries from the fight) and my quirk analysed. The latter, luckily, had turned out positive: I still had quirk cells in my body, whatever the League had used on me had just killed the active ones. I was told that the current quirk cells would need a few months to reproduce enough active cells for my quirk to function again as it had functioned before. It was a long time, yes, but I was just glad I still technically had that part of myself.

Walking along the trail to my front door, I looked up at the sky. I hadn't contacted Bakugou after we were separated at the police station. I wondered if he thought about me, too...

My wondering was cut off when the front door opened, almost slamming in my face, and I was pulled into a tight hug by my mother. "Oh, dear, we were so worried about you!" she gushed into my hair while my face was stuffed into her collarbone. I felt my father join the hug.

I basked in their warmth for a few minutes, feeling a peaceful fatigue come over me. Finally, I wiggled myself out of their grasp with a small smile and we all went inside.

"How's the company?" I questioned.

Mum and dad looked at each other. "Well..."

Oh no, more bad news...? I thought, my peace immediately disturbed.

"We got a new partnership," dad finished for mum, smiling.

I smiled broadly as we walked to the living room. "That's great news!" I tried to sound enthusiastic to hide my tiredness but I fear I failed to because my mother's look immediately softened again.

"Are you really alright, sweetie?" she asked again. "What about your quirk?"

"Right now I'm just tired," I admitted honestly. "And I'll have my quirk back at maximum capability in a few months. Until then I can figure out and write down what I can do with it, I discovered a few more things at the training camp. And when I get back to U.A, I'll..." I trailed off, looking at my parents. They were sending glances at each other. The type of glance that said how do we tell her?.

Thus, my tiredness temporarily forgotten, I asked, "What is it?"

"Y/n, we don't think it's safe for you to go back there," my father answered my question a bit regretfully.

"What?" I asked, sitting down on the couch behind me. "Why?"

My parents took seats across from me. For a moment, it felt like interrogation all over again. "After all that's happened this year, we don't think it's safe."

I looked at my mother, who'd answered the question. I mean I see your point, but— "If the villains really do have something against me, U.A. is way safer than just staying here at home alone, isn't it?"

"We were actually thinking about moving," my father said blatantly.

I stood up abruptly. "Can we have this conversation tomorrow? It's late and I'm tired and probably not thinking clearly," I forced out, trying to keep control of my feelings. Somehow, they seemed even stronger now that there were less of them. It was probably the fact that my parents' confidence in the choice couldn't soothe my anger.

My father looked at me again. He knew I was avoiding the topic but nodded nonetheless. "Alright, that's rational enough."

I plastered on a smile, hiding my irritation. "Right. Goodnight, then." Out of habit, I gave them both hugs before going to brush my teeth.

Us? Moving? I thought, my mouth foaming. We can't move! We've lived here my whole life! I finished brushing my teeth and quickly changed into my pyjamas before diving into the soft cushions of my own bed. I spotted my phone on the bedside table. Besides, I have too much here that I don't want to lose.

I took my phone and unlocked it, deciding to deal with the get well messages on another day. Still, I opened my chat with Bakugou.

You: How did the interrogation go for you?

You: Is everything alright?

Right away, I could see that he'd seen the messages. A minute later, there was an answer.

Katsupow: Everything's fine.

I frowned at the phone screen. For how long he'd typed it, the reply was very dry. And it was all he said, as well. There were no follow up questions, nothing to show the worry I knew he'd felt back when we were with the villains.

I silenced my phone and put it away before climbing to bed again, still feeling a bit troubled. Did I do something to offend Katsuki? I do hope he doesn't hate me for making fighting back there so difficult... Then again, it wasn't exactly my fault the stupid villains decided to take my quirk.

I yawned widely, stretching a bit before settling into the covers again. Whatever, Y/n. Those are tomorrow's troubles. And with that, I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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