06 - ʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ

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Previously on Latibule:

"You passed," All Might summed up. "Welcome, Y/n L/n, to U.A. High."

The hologram flittered shut. I just stared at the disc for a second, my head absolutely empty despite the beaming smile threatening to split my cheeks.

Absolute joy filled my chest for the second time that day. I was accepted!


Latibule — Chapter 6///Rationality


I wasn't a complete idiot — I wore leggings under my skirt. I didn't get it. Most schools had problems with dress code and clothes being too short and then there was U.A. High where one's skirt barely covered their bottom. But hey, who was I to complain? I didn't choose the school because of the clothes!

In fact, I chose the school because I knew that was the kind of education I wanted to get. Speaking of education, I had just spotted the door to my classroom.

1-A. I don't know how I managed to get into the top hero class but I did and I wasn't gonna complain about it.

However, something complain-worthy came into view when I took a few more steps. The huge doorway was completely blocked by a masculine figure whose owner had green hair. It took me a few seconds to register that it was the boy who was muttering during the preparation for the exam's practical part.

"Hi!" the boy stammered nervously, seemingly finding interest in the ceiling.

My lips quirked upwards. So I was right... He is quite the nervous one.

"Uhh, excuse me," I said quietly so as to not startle him but he jumped anyway. "Can you let me through?"

"Yeah, sure, uhh, go right ahead," he said, nodding his head vigorously as he moved to the side to make room in the doorway.

"Good morning!"

Fancy that, it's the guy who asks ridiculous questions, I thought, keeping my eyes from rolling as I looked at him with a neutral expression.

"My name is Tenya Iida from the–"

"Yeah, I– I know," the green-haired boy quickly interrupted him.

I don't but whatever, I commented in my head, starting to make my way to an empty desk.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya," the green-haired boy continued, leaning away from Iida, "it's super nice to meet you."

I sat down ignoring the blond haired guy — Katsuki Bakugou — behind me. He didn't seem like the kind to accept public greetings from people he's met once or twice.


My eyes went back over to the interaction with slight interest. What's he come up with now? I wondered, referring to the guy with glasses.

"You realized there was something more to the practical exam, didn't you?"

I raised a brow with interest whereas Midoriya looked shocked at the question.

"You must be very perceptive," Iida went on, "and I completely misjudged you."

It was time for my left brow to join my right one in sitting on the top of my head. Maybe I had misjudged Iida?

"I admit, as a student you're far superior to me."

Nevermind, he's still weird. I leaned back into the chair, moving further from the table I was previously leaning my elbows on.

"Hey, I recognize that messed up hair!" a cheery voice came from the hallway.

Another one, I thought, looking to the front, now disinterested. If our teacher was to come at any moment now, the doorway would still be completely blocked and–

"If you're just here to make friends, you can pack up your stuff now."

Speak of the devil, I mused. Good thing he came now, I wouldn't have known how to finish that thought, anyway.

I watched as the supposedly pro hero moved to get out of his sleeping bag as he spoke. "Welcome to U.A. 's Hero Course. It took eight seconds before you all shut up, that's not gonna work." He stepped out of the sleeping bag. "Time is precious, rational students would understand that."

I am rational! I wanted to protest. After all, I had been silent long before he had even, I don't know... started to crawl towards the classroom?

"Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa." The man in all black turned to the whole class now. "Your teacher."

Called it. I smiled at yet another thing gone right in my day.

"Right let's get to it," he said, sounding a bit more enthusiastic compared to a few seconds ago. "Put these on and head outside." He was holding up a PE uniform.

All of us blinked with confusion.

However, I wasn't going to make a bad name for myself already on the first day by arguing with my teacher.

I suppose that's... rationality?  

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