20 - ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇꜱᴛ ᴏꜰ ʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴛᴡᴏ

843 34 13

Previously on Latibule:

"Whatever, I don't care," Bakugou scoffed, plopping down before raising a brow my way as if asking if I wasn't gonna sit down, too.

I gave a slight shake of my head. "My match is next so I better go. Gotta have a few moments to prepare."

Bakugou nodded and I turned to leave, hearing Kirishima's wish of good luck echo in the hallway along with my steps.


Latibule — Chapter 20///The Rest Of Round Two


"On one side we have Tenya Iida from class 1-A," Present Mic announced as we walked out. "And on the other side we have his classmate Y/n L/n who just keeps surprising us with her power! I wonder if she ever surprises herself, too."

I let out a snort of Present Mic's comment. They'd be surprised...

A moment later we were told we could start the fight and I immediately put my plan into action because, for once, I had one. As Iida crouched to prepare for his special move, I took a step to the side and fired 12 precise shots from my fingertips that made Iida's engines melt just enough for him to not use his quirk.

Though surprised, he charged at me nonetheless and swiped a leg under my feet. I jumped over it and as I landed I released a shockwave into the ground which made Iida tumble off balance. Remembering what I'd read, I quickly jabbed him at a few spots on his legs and they went limp, not allowing the boy to rise up.

I took a few steps back as he grunted, trying to crawl towards me before collapsing to the ground once again.

"Be honest, Iida. Can you move?" Midnight inquired.

"No," Iida grunted, trying to push himself upright. "I cannot."

"Tenya Iida is immobilized! Y/n L/n advances to the next round!"

As the crowd cheered little robots came and lifted Iida onto a stretcher to carry him away. "I'm sorry for the damage," I apologized, giving him a regretful smile. "I didn't know any other way to beat you."

"It's alright," Iida grunted, forcing a smile as he was clearly disappointed with himself. "You earned your victory."

I dipped my head into a bow before making my way off the arena and up to my class again. By the time I arrived, Tokoyami and Mina's fight had already ended with Tokoyami's victory.

"Hey, good job down there!" Kaminari grinned as I sat down. "You won so fast!"

I nodded as a thanks and looked around, searching for Bakugou and Kirishima before remembering that their match was next.

Kirishima actually got close to Bakugou, which was fairly impressive, but it was obvious he couldn't keep it up for too long.

Bakugou played defensive for a few minutes, tiring Kirishima out before going on the offensive with an explosion. A bigger explosion followed the previous one and Kirishima managed to keep his quirk activated for a while but it soon wore off as Bakugou fired continuous explosions at him and, eventually, knocked him out.

I sighed as the match ended, standing up once again to go down to my match.

I was a bit nervous. I was up against Todoroki, after all. But I pulled myself together, taking a deep breath to calm myself down.

Alright, it's time to do my best.

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