52 - ꜰᴏᴏᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇꜱᴛ

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Previously on Latibule:

Bakugou raised a brow at me, his face hard to read. Luckily, I still had my quirk so I could read the air around him. It swirled with yellow tinges of happiness and accomplishment as well as white wisps of calmth and light beige dots of tiredness. For a second, I spotted a thread of dark pink but that disappeared when Bakugou looked away from me, his expression hardening as brown confusion appeared in the air.

I looked at the trail in front of us, frowning. I'd come to know more about my quirk and I'd expected it to help me understand people but it had thus far only made everything more complicated. I figured that maybe it was because humans had multiple layers of different emotions and different reactions to different things that could also change over time but...

I glanced at Bakugou with a sigh. I just can't figure it out.


Latibule — Chapter 52///Food And Rest


As had been promised, we had to cook our own dinner that day. At first it was chaos but a few minutes of Iida's good organisation skills later, we were all at our own stations, the food getting ready via the hands of a well-working machine that was the forces of class A and B combined in the face of a common enemy: hunger.

I happened to be placed at the soup-making table, chopping vegetables side by side with Bakugou. It was no surprise we were assigned to work together, for we'd been standing together when Iida started organising everything, but what was kind of surprising was how good Bakugou was at handling a knife.

"I take it that you sometimes help your mother in the kitchen?" I mused, watching in wonder how Bakugou swiftly swiped his third carrot into the pot beside us while I was just finishing up my first.

The boy tensed up for a second, assumably readying himself for a snarky comment, but eased his shoulders when his eyes moved around, making sure that nobody else but me was in hearing range. "Sometimes," he admitted.

I smiled. "I used to, too."

Bakugou raised a brow at the tone. "What happened?"

My face saddened. "I grew up and she grew tired. She said that she'd rather cook alone because she could focus on her thoughts more. That was back when she and dad were starting their company. Now, of course, she's less tired and more at home but now I don't often have the time with homework and training."

Bakugou's hands stopped moving and I looked up from my cutting board, making eye contact with him. "I'm sorry," he said lowly, looking away. "Parents are an important part of our lives. It's a pity that you don't get to spend time with them."

"It's alright," I said, brushing the topic off just as I brushed the cut-up carrots into the pot. "They're there for me when I need them most so I can't really complain."

The blond let out a hum, swiping the last of his carrots into the pot, also.

Just then, Kaminari appeared. "Hey, can I take this?" he asked, nodding to the pot.

"Yeah, sure, we just finished anyway," I said, placing the knife in my hand onto the cutting board.

"Great! Iida said he needs someone at the stoves over there," the electric boy beamed, nodding over to our class rep.

"I'll be there in a second," I nodded before turning to Bakugou. "Can you take care of our cutting boards?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever," the boy shrugged, his tough facade back up again.

After that, it wasn't much longer before we all got to sit down and enjoy our food. Or, well, some were just gobbling it down, trying to get as many nutrients into their body as possible after the long day.

And a long day it had been. At that point, I was so tired that I barely wanted to eat. I wouldn't have eaten at all if my stomach hadn't been glued to my spine.

"I can't wait to go to sleep," I voiced my thoughts, leaning my head onto my hand as I swallowed another spoonful of soup.

"Yeah, today was rough," Mina agreed, her usually upbeat demeanour now a bit sullen. "And I have extra classes in the evening, too!"

I scrunched up my face sympathetically. "Yikes."

Soon after that, I said my goodbyes and goodnights to Mina and the others, brushed my teeth, and collapsed onto my makeshift bed. Usually I'd have to wait for sleep to come, my mind wide awake, analysing my quirk and the day that had passed but that night my mind was as tired as my limbs and I soon succumbed into sleep, a veil of white covering the room.

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