25 - ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇꜱ

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Previously on Latibule:

Bakugou was left to mull over his name as Mr. Aizawa stepped up again.

"Now that everyone's decided on their hero names, we can go back to talk about your upcoming internships."

Ignoring Bakugou's angry grumbles from behind me, I focused solely on what our homeroom teacher was talking about. It could very easily determine my future, after all.


Latibule — Chapter 25///Choices


"They'll last for one week," Mr. Aizawa told us, referring to the internships as he held a stack of papers in his hand. "As for who you'll be working with — those of you who were on the board will choose from among your offers. Everyone else will have a different list." He held up a paper to show us the amount of choices we had. "You have a lot to think about. There are about 40 agencies across the country who have agreed to take on interns from your class. Each agency has a different specialty that its heroes focus on. Keep that in mind."

As Midnight elaborated the topic a bit more, our homeroom teacher passed out the papers. My eyes roamed across the names, most of which I didn't recognize. One caught my attention. Endeavor.

I mulled over the situation. I could benefit greatly from interning with the flame hero and it would build up my endurance more than anything I could do alone. His fire quirk was also pretty destructive and he wielded it very well, from which I could also learn. And considering his rank, there would also be quite the bit of working in the field.

I shook my head. Let's not get ahead of myself, I thought, looking over the names again. There could still be a better offer.

"Turn in your choices before the weekend," Mr. Aizawa said before leaving the classroom along with Midnight. "You're dismissed."

The day progressed and no matter how many times I looked over the list, it seemed that Endeavor was indeed the best choice for me. However, taking everything I knew into account, there was one person I needed to talk to before making the choice.

"Todoroki!" I called, catching him before he exited our classroom during lunch.

"L/n. What is it?"

I chewed at the inside of my cheek, wording my question. "Your" — I hesitated — "father put in an offer for me. I was wondering if me accepting that would be okay with you."

Todoroki turned to face me fully. "I'm not surprised he put in an offer for you, L/n. He wants the strong ones under his wing."

My face flushed at the compliment.

Todoroki didn't notice — or pretended not to — and continued with a shrug. "I don't mind you accepting. But thank you for being considerate." He nodded and I nodded back, ending our conversation as he made his way out the door and I made my way back to my seat.

As I started to fill out my form, there was a kick at the back of my chair that indicated that Bakugou required my attention. I was glad I hadn't put my pen on the paper yet or I would've ruined the form with a random streak.

I leaned back in my chair, looking at the blond, doing my best not to snap at him and understand that that was just how he was.

"Who are you choosing?" he inquired.

"My first choice is Endeavor," I answered before looking down at the page I'd ripped from one of my notebooks to write down my choices. The top three were circled. "My second and third choice are Edgeshot and Ryukyu, respectively."

He grumbled, as if disappointed in something. I brushed it off and tried to get a look at his already half-filled form. "Who are your choices?"

"Best Jeanist."

I raised a brow at him but he wouldn't meet my eyes. "And?" I inquired, doing my best not to look at the way his hair swayed when he slightly moved his head or the way he seemed to be so concentrated on what he was doing.

"There's no and. It's Best Jeanist or nothing."

I leaned my chin on the back of my hand that was resting on the back of my chair, making myself a bit comfortable. "Shooting for the stars, huh?"

This time he looked up, his deep red eyes gazing into my e/c ones. For the briefest moment I wondered what secrets he held under that tough exterior but that thought vanished as fast as it had appeared. "How else do you think I would become the best, you idiot?" he scoffed.

I half-smiled, standing up and leaving my form for a later time, pushing it to the end of my list of concerns for a moment as I took Bakugou's arm and pulled him along with me. "C'mon, let's get lunch."

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