50 - ᴛɪʀᴇᴅɴᴇꜱꜱ

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Previously on Latibule:

As I pushed myself up from the table, Bakugou looked at me once again. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I lied easily. "But I'm full so I'll get going now. Enjoy your meal."

From the frown the creased the boy's eyebrows before I turned I could tell that he was worried. Still, I didn't look back.


Latibule — Chapter 50///Tiredness


Taking advantage of the fact that all the other girls were still eating, I got into the hot springs. I wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of being naked in front of anyone else, or with the idea of seeing anyone else naked, so I decided to stay in my comfort zone, bathe before everyone else, and call it a night early because waking up was scheduled for very early the next morning.

My plans were foiled, however, when the water trembled and Mina, Uraraka and Jirou slipped into the hot spring, sitting right side to side with me. They greeted me cheerily before going back to the conversation they were having before. I didn't mind.

It wasn't long before the rest of our class' girls joined us as well. Safe to say I was feeling a bit uncomfortable, but when Yaoyorozu engaged me in a conversation, I started to forget our situation. That is, until we heard someone climbing up the wall that separated us from the boys.

Mineta! I thought in horror, sinking further into the water self-consciously. The rest of the girls stopped chattering, too, awaiting what would happen.

As Mineta's climbing got louder as he got further up the wall, he was joined by a second set of steps which, from what I could tell, came from inside the wall. It wasn't much later that Kota's head appeared out of the wall, Mineta coming to a stop at the sight of the boy.

"Before you can become a hero, you should learn how to be a good human."

Kota's faint voice was instantly followed by a slap and a yell from Mineta. I looked up from the water that I'd been staring at. Did he fall or something?

"Mineta really is the worst, isn't he?" Tsu mused, her voice slightly squeaky in a way that only her voice could be.

"Thanks so much, Kota-babe!" Mina called with a huge smile on her voice. "We owe you one!"

I cringed at the girl's choice of words, lowering myself further into the water as Kota looked over at us, as one does when he's spoken to, and from embarrassment or surprise — I couldn't tell — tumbled off the wall to the boy's side.

After that, the girls started leaving one by one, being either tired from the day or starting to feel the heat get to them, making it harder to breathe. When the last bunch, consisting of Mina, Yaoyorozu and Uraraka, got up to leave, they asked me whether I wanted to go with them.

I shook my head with a smile. "No, thanks." Then I paused, trying to come up with a good excuse so as to not reveal my standing point on the whole being-naked-in-front-of-people topic. "I like the warm water. It charges my quirk up very well."

"Oh, alright," Mina smiled. "But make sure to get some sleep at the very least."

I smiled. "I will, don't worry."

With that, the three girls left, leaving me to my devices yet again. I sighed, finally being able to relax again as I was now alone. Finally... But I should probably get out soon, too. This might be good for training my endurance but I'm slowly starting to see the energy lines...

After a few minutes of being alone with my thoughts, I got out of the hot spring, gazed up at the stars one more time and went to the showering rooms. Everyone else had left so I got to take my time, the water dripping out of my hair once I started to dress, not caring for drying my head all that much.

The exhaust from the day had started to set in, taking over my limbs and mind as my thinking slowed and I couldn't anymore keep track of what I was thinking. However, I did know that the next day's training was to begin at five thirty (in the morning, obviously) and that I'd been in the hot springs for longer than anticipated, leaving me with less hours of sleep than I would've preferred.

In such thoughts, I exited the girls' side of the bathing house, my back bumping into Bakugou as I closed the door behind me.

"Oh, hi," I greeted softly, taking note of how the water had had very little effect on his unruly hair.

"Hi," he grumbled in response, the both of us setting off to the campus' lodging houses.

After a few steps, I sensed the blond beside me turning his head to inspect me. "You're quieter than usual," he pointed out.

I hummed, inspecting the calm white fog that swirled in the air around us. "I'm just tired. It's been a long day."

"Guess so."

I smiled at the short response, knowing that he didn't feel the need to put on a loud and rowdy mask around me. I appreciated it greatly and therefore knew I could be myself around him, too.

Thus, I didn't make conversation, even when we got to the two-floor house and he'd walked with me to the first floor's staircase, where he'd have to go up to get to the boys' area and I'd have to go down the hallway on my right to join the rest of the girls of class 1-A.

"Well, then," I started, smiling up at the boy as he was already on the first steps of the stairs. "Have a good night, Katsuki."

"You, too, Y/n."

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