60 - ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴏ ꜱɪᴍᴘʟᴇ

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Previously on Latibule:

All of us froze. The grip around my neck loosened and my vision blurred as blood rushed into my brain again. For a second, I felt hope. Had someone come to get us?

"Hello, I got a pizza delivery here."

All hope vanished. Poor pizza guy, he'll die now, too...


Latibule — Chapter 60///Not So Simple


"Smash!" All Might came through the brick wall.

It was a ruse!

Before Korogiri could do anything, Kamui Woods hung through the wall and tied all of the villains up with incredible precision, therefore leaving me to stumble away from who I now saw was Dabi.

Bakugou immediately took a step towards me, pulling me towards himself and away from the villain. He positioned himself in front of me as we assessed the situation so I couldn't see his face but his arm that was still holding my wrist was shaking. My heart seemed to mirror the gesture, beating so rapidly that it almost seemed to be not beating at all.

At that moment, I was, to put it simply, terrified. There might've been heroes on the scene now but, for some reason it all seemed too simple. I couldn't imagine, having read so many adventure novels in the span of my short life, that a rescue would be a quick in-and-out. It seemed too easy. Too simple.

I shook my head, trying to shake the fear that was cloaking me off along with it. Life isn't a novel or a movie, Y/n. You'll be home soon. I saw Bakugou glance back at me and slid my wrist out of his grasp so I could squeeze his hand, trying to offer him some comfort, as well. We'll be home soon.

"One tends to neglect defence when they're on the offence," the pro hero Edgeshot lectured, sliding into the room — literally, he came through the crack of the door — as well as the conversation. "We didn't come alone, take a look." Not taking his eyes off of the villains, he unlocked the door beside him and pushed it open. A whole squad of masked-and-uniformed people, probably some kind of special unit of the police, stood there, their guns at the ready.

We'll be home soon, I repeated to myself, easing my muscles as adrenaline started to wear off. While Edgeshot continued to talk, Bakugou seemed to ease up, too, though his grip on my hand stayed firm.

After Edgeshot finished, All Might straightened his back, looking at Bakugou and me with that irritatingly happy smile of his. "Ah, you must've been scared, but you stayed strong. I'm sorry, you're safe now, students."

Bakugou seemed to tremble as he looked at his hero. At the next moment, he pulled away from me to do the most classical Bakugou thing — yell. "What?! I wasn't scared! Not even close!"

I smiled a bit at the behaviour. At least he's still himself. I looked down at my hands, tearing my gaze from All Might who was giving a thumbs up to us. I'm not. I do hope it's not permanent.

Shigaraki looked at Kurogiri angrily. "What are you waiting for?"

"I'm sorry," the villain said simply, stopping the struggle against Kamui Woods' bounds. It seemed like the situation was out of his misty hands.

"It seems you have a lot to learn, Shigaraki," All Might said, coming over to Bakugou and me. I looked up at him when a heavy hand landed on my shoulder. "Your little league underestimated all of us. The souls of these students. The police, diligent in investigations. And our righteous fury."

Shigaraki shivered with a completely different type of fury. "I hate you!"

Something itched in my throat. At the same moment, a bunch of grey and liquidy portals opened in the air, nomus starting to press through. All Might immediately looked at Kamui Woods. "Don't release them under any circumstances, got it?"

The itching got words, I coughed lightly. Bakugou's eyes immediately met mine.

"Katsu—" I coughed, being cut off when the same grey liquid burst out of my mouth.

Panic took the blond's eyes and he was about to answer me when his mouth, too, started spewing the disgusting goo.

It rose up to my eyes in a matter of seconds, making me close them. My lungs burned in need of oxygen and only one thought was bouncing around my head. Why couldn't it have been so simple...?

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