19 - ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ʙᴀꜱɪꜱ

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Previously on Latibule:

I lowered my voice and leaned my head slightly towards his so nobody would hear me as I spoke. "I can feel your hurt, y'know? You can't lie to me."

Bakugou scoffed and turned away. "I'll be fine," he grumbled.

"And that's all I wanted to hear," I mused, leaning back into my chair as I waited for the tiebreaker between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu.


Latibule — Chapter 19///First Name Basis


Kirishima won the tiebreaker, to our class' great joy, and we quickly moved on to round two.

Midoriya and Todoroki entered the arena and something in the air changed. I assumed it was from the conversation they'd had.

The match started and Todoroki was quick to attack, Midoriya destroying the mountain of ice with a mere flick of his fingers. The wind from his power engulfed all of us and I huddled up in my seat, the energy my body was taking in making me a bit overwhelmed. It was mostly fear and panic with an ounce of determination from Midoriya himself. I warmed up my hands, trying to release the negative emotions without causing much of a scene or tiring myself out.

Bakugou noticed and nudged me with his elbow as everyone's attention was on the fight where Midoriya and Todoroki were still going back and forth. "Are you okay?" he hissed.

"I will be," I promised, leaning forward to indicate that I was fine enough to focus on the match.

I wasn't given a chance to do so as Kirishima rushed in, a bit agitated that he was missing the match.

"Hey, good job!" Kaminari said, giving him a grin. "You made it to the second round!"

"Yeah, it seems like I'll be taking down Bakugou next."

Bakugou's face remained completely neutral and not even once did he glance away from the fight far below us as he answered. "I'll kill you."

"Heh, yeah sure, in your dreams," Kirishima scoffed. "No but seriously. It's crazy how you and Todoroki both have moves that blast the whole stadium. Must be pretty nice."

"Unless you have to pause between attacks," Sero commented, leaning a bit forward to talk to us.

"It's not as easy as you think, you morons."

My brows rose at Bakugou's statement before I remembered the pain he'd felt after releasing that big blast. The revelation made me hum in understanding as Bakugou elaborated.

"If you overuse your muscles, you risk tearing them apart. If you sprint too much, you run out of breath." He looked at his hands and I took the moment to pipe into the conversation.

"Everyone has their limits to how much power they can release," I mused. Another wave of energy from the two fighters made goosebumps rise on my skin. "And how much they can withhold."

Bakugou nodded, sitting back up. "Quirks are physical abilities, too. They can get worn out and you can't just use them nonstop." He glanced at me. "And on the other hand, you can't leave them unused for too long."

"Makes sense when you put it that way," Kirishima agreed. "I wonder if that's how Midoriya thinks he's gonna beat Todoroki."

The sentence made me focus my attention back on the fight. Ice crystals sprouted from the ground near Todoroki's hand as Midoriya was jumping away and caught the latter's foot. Midoriya swung his arm and a second later I squeezed my eyes shut, the energy that the wind carried building up in my body.

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