74 - ʟᴀᴛɪʙᴜʟᴇ

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Previously on Latibule:

She winked at me. "I have my sources! But now shower quickly so you can get back out to your Romeo!"

With that, Mina left me in the showering room alone, but not before I could send an eye roll her way. As much as I appreciated her company, she could be such a drama queen sometimes, always up in everyone else's business.

I looked into the mirror thoughtfully. But maybe that's what makes it fun.


Latibule — Chapter 74///Latibule


It was a few weeks later when Katsuki and I were in my room, watching a movie. The others would also start a movie night soon, but given that their timing didn't go all that well with my boyfriend's sleep schedule, I'd made the decision to watch a movie with him first and then maybe go to the others.

The room was otherwise dark, the only light being the evening glow from outside and my laptop screen, starting to roll the credits.

I felt Katsuki shift beneath me, making me tilt my head that was laying on his shoulder to look up at him.

He met my eyes with a small smile, which I had quickly come to adore. He was almost enchanting when he let his tough facade fall.

"Hey there, beautiful," he murmured, placing a quick kiss on my forehead.

I smiled at that, pushing myself upright so he could do the same. I knew he'd want to go to sleep soon.

"Did you like the movie?" I asked, starting to pack up my laptop (for which I had to stand up).

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I was pulled back into Katsuki's chest when he answered. "Not as much as I like you."

I blushed. I had yet to grow used to that side of him — the one that liked to tease me when there was nobody else around.

"But yeah, it was alright."

I turned myself around to hug him. "I'm glad you liked it." I stood silently, hearing his heart beat against my ear before speaking again. "You'll have to go to sleep now, right?"

He smiled. "You know me so well."

"And you, me," I answered. During those few weeks I'd learned the cheesiest lines and compliments (as it was also Katsuki's first time dating anyone), but I'd come to love that about the boy among many other things I only after the confession had learned of. For example, his favourite tea was black tea with no sugar and he almost always texted his parents goodnight.

The boy before me leaned down once again, this time just resting his head on mine as he spoke tiredly but from the heart. "You're my latibule, Y/n, I hope you know that."

I smiled. I'd also learned quite a bunch of new words from my boyfriend. That one I was not yet familiar with.

Still, I could only smile when I pulled back but still held his hands when I answered, "Thank you, Katsuki, but I don't know what that means."

He only smiled again and squeezed my hands before letting them go. Even with my quirk only partially returned, I already missed his warmth.

Ignoring that, as I did every evening because I knew I'd have to let him go to then be able to be happy to see him again, I smiled back at him. "Goodnight, Katsuki."

"Goodnight, Y/n."

As soon as he was out of the room, I grabbed my phone to look up the new word.

Latibule — (n.) a hiding place; a place of safety and comfort.

I smiled wider before tossing my phone onto my bed with no hesitation and rushing out the door, hoping to catch my boyfriend before he left the floor.

That I managed to do as I tackled him into a hug from behind (he remained standing, of course, being as strong as he was).

"Already miss me?" he teased but I could hear the happiness in his voice. He'd missed me, too.

Instead of answering his question, I simply said, "You're my latibule, too."

And then he hugged me again. It was warm, it was comforting, it was secure. It was everything and anything I could ever want and so much more. It was my happily ever after. And above all, he was my latibule.


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