16 - ᴄᴀᴠᴀʟʀʏ ʙᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ

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Previously on Latibule:

I directed my eyes to the screens as the people who had made it to the next round were depicted. I looked at Aoyama, who had fallen just a place short as he was the 43rd student to finish, with pity. Poor guy was clutching his stomach so strongly that he must've had the stomach ache of the century.

"Don't feel too left out if you didn't make the cut," Midnight assured. "We've prepared other opportunities for you to shine."

The hero cast a look over the remaining students. "The real fun is about to begin."


Latibule — Chapter 16///Cavalry Battle


"This is the chance to fully move yourselves into the limelight. Give it your best!"

I looked around, my eyes lingering on a pretty angry-looking Bakugou for a moment. I'm sure we will.

"Let's see what we have in store for you next! Will your wildest fantasies come to life?"

I directed my eyes from Midnight to the screens, waiting for the words to come to a stop.

"What could it be, oh, the waiting is torture."

Every single one of us, students, looked at the screens like our lives depended on it. They more or less did, too. At least the course of them.

"Prepare yourselves," the hero pointed to the screens, the words seemingly listening to her command. "For this!"

Cavalry battle. I looked at the pictures and examples we were shown as Midnight made sure we all understood the assignment before showing us the points. I had 195 of them as I finished fourth but Midoriya, the poor guy, had 10 000 000 and was therefore targeted by everyone.

I shook out of my thoughts before nodding to myself. Find a team, Y/n.

I looked around, considering my chances. I could either wait for someone to ask me or—

"L/n, would you like to be on my team?"

I turned to face Todoroki with a smile, seeing that he had already gathered Iida and Yaoyorozu. "Of course."

That worked out well, I mused as we went a bit further from everyone to strategize and show that we had gotten the team together.


I ended up as the left wing, so I could use shock waves and such to keep enemies away. I had to be careful, though, because we couldn't make others fall on purpose. Yaoyorozu was on my right to focus on defense, too. Iida was the front horse and Todoroki was our team captain, sitting on our shoulders in order to grab the others' headpands.


We charged forward, tripping a bit at the start due to our proximity and the fact that we had to synchronize our every move.

All the teams were going for Midoriya's, us included. The targeted team stood still before declaring that they would run away. A foolish move, for a second later they were sinking into the ground.

Suddenly they rose up into the air and out of the mud, surprising everyone.

"We could go for the others for now," I proposed. I got no reaction but it seemed like I was heard, for we changed directions and got a headband from the nearest possible team.

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