39 - ᴛᴀꜱᴋ ᴍᴀɴᴀɢᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ

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Previously on Latibule:

"This is an announcement from the I-Island security system," a robotic voice cut in. "We have received a report that an explosive device was discovered somewhere on the I-Expo grounds. I-Island will now be in high alert mode. Your safety is our top priority. Residents and tourists should..."

The air swirled with black, brown and gray as we listened to the following instructions, frozen in our places. The windows that paned the walls were suddenly dark and my heartrate picked up as I realized what was going on. "I think they're shutting off the island," I breathed before looking back at the maps on my phone. The signal was gone but luckily I'd managed to download the pictures to my gallery. "Come on, let's go find the others."

The boys gave determined nods and we sped off, walking hastily through the halls.


Latibule — Chapter 39///Task Management


We speed-walked down the nearest staircase, our steps echoing back at us through the empty halls.

"Where do you think the others are?" I asked, slightly out of breath from all the rapid movements. The air was becoming thicker and thicker with the blackness of fear and brown tinges of confusion. My body was taking it all in, my heart beating in my ears so loudly that I almost didn't hear Kirishima's answer.

"They should be in the central tower, no?"

I nodded wordlessly, fighting to keep my breathing under control.

I saw Bakugou glance back at me with furrowed brows. The mist around him turned into a darker shade of brown and I felt a brief wave of concern roll off of him. Still, both of us ignored the feeling and followed Kirishima out the door and into the inner yard.

I'd never been so glad to get a breath of fresh air. My quirk was slowly starting to stifle me, thus I let my hands steam now that we were outside and the air was a tiny bit clearer. When I released the energy, the emotions portrayed by colors all around me became less prominent and I managed to push them into the back of my mind once again.

Suddenly the air shifted all around the inner garden. "There's someone here," I muttered, gaining the attention of Bakugou and Kirishima as we stopped moving.

"What?" the red-haired exclaimed.

I looked around, my eyes stopping on a nearby bush. "I think—"

"We see you, stupid kids," a man said and I looked ahead of us, where the owner of the voice stood. He was dressed like a villain so I took it that he was one of the ones responsible for at least a part of the mess we were in.

Bakugou's eyes narrowed and he stepped in front of me ever so slightly, partly shielding me from the two bad men. And even though I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself — I was training to become a hero, after all — I appreciated the gesture as the air around the both of us colored slightly pink, portraying my sputtering heart.

"What'd you say, you bastard?" Bakugou harrumphed, his muscles tensing up under his clothes as his body automatically readied itself for battle.

My heart fluttered a little at the way the blond in front of me moved a few steps to my left so as to almost completely hide me from the view of the villains but despite the feeling I steeled myself for battle, too, sensing around for the energy of different people. There were two of the bad guys, who I could oh so conveniently see, but I could've sworn there were some other people in the garden with us.

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