43 - ᴘᴀʀᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ᴀᴅᴠɪᴄᴇ

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Previously on Latibule:

"We won, Shiori," I assured her again, giving her my best smile. "We're alright now, I promise."

The girl then cheered, her happy voice lifting my spirits as well.

"Now let's go find your mother."


Latibule — Chapter 43///Parental Advice


"Oh, Shiori, I'm so glad to see you!" a woman gushed, picking up the girl once she ran to her. "I was so worried! Why'd you run off like that?"

"I'm sorry, mama, I got lost," the girl admitted guiltily. "But L/n helped me!" She pointed at me.

I waved with a small smile.

"Oh, thank you so much for bringing my baby back safely!" the woman exclaimed, rushing over and giving me a hug.

"It's no problem, really," I brushed it off, pulling away from the hug.

"What could I ever do to make this up to you?" the woman went on, clearly overflowing with gratitude.

"No, it's alright, I'm studying to be a hero anyway and your happiness is more than enough," I tried to brush it off again.

The woman, however, was not done. But, luckily, I had my own father come to the rescue. "Y/n? Y/n!"

"Oh, we're so glad to see you're alright," mom added, pulling me into a hug before pushing me away and taking my chin in her hands to inspect my face. "You are alright, aren't you?"

"Of course, mom, I'm fine," I assured. "My classmates and I looked after each other." My eyes met a pair of red ones through the crowd. "I got very little damage compared to some others."

"But you're burning up," my mother started, touching my forehead.

"It's my quirk, mom," I grinned. Then my heart dropped, the air coloring blue with guilt. "On that note, I have to talk to you two about something."

My parents became more serious, looking at me for answers I wished I had.

"I should've told you this earlier, but I think my quirk is..." I contemplated the best wording. "Evolving."

"What do you mean, dear?" my mom asked.

I cast a look around, at all the happy people, filled with adrenaline as they discussed what had just happened. The emotions in the air thickened as my own grew stronger, blue now swirling in between the happy yellow and curious orange.

"I think I see people's feelings," I confessed quietly, casting my eyes to the ground. "It happened the day dad came back early. I started seeing like... fog around people, colored to match their moods."

My father took a breath. "It's not unheard of that quirks evolve later in life," he said before giving me a smile. "I'm glad you told us. And I know we've been really busy and it must've been confusing but better late than never, right?"

I chuckled. "Right."

My mom also smiled. "I think you should keep track of what each color means," she advised. "Write them down somewhere. I'd say this is even a big improvement because now, when you can't put a finger on the feeling, you can see what it looks like."

I nodded. "Right. Thanks, mom. Thanks, dad." I gave each of them a hug. I'm so relieved this is finally over with...

"Of course, sweetheart," dad smiled. "Now go have fun."

I nodded. "Will do." Before turning, I stopped. "See you at...?"

"We'll find you before we leave," mom assured.

"Got it," I nodded, then turning and going into the crowd to find my classmates, my heart lighter than it had been in the past few days.

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