29 - ᴡᴏʀʀɪᴇᴅ

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Previously on Latibule:

I hung up before reaching for the remote to let my bed down again. I yawned, closing my eyes. My heart swelled with peace and my thoughts trailed to Bakugou. There was that unexplainable feeling again.

I yawned again, shaking the feeling off. I'm probably tired, I mused. I should really rest, like mom said.

A minute later, I floated into oblivion. And this time, I actually slept.


Latibule — Chapter 29///Worried


I was released from the hospital the next day and my parents came and took me home. I was surprised that people like Mr Aizawa and Endeavor had agreed to such a thing but, then again, I couldn't have been more grateful. Every step brought a new jolt of pain to my stomach and I doubted I would've been any good at the internship anymore.

After we got home, I went and collapsed onto my bed. I was careful not to open any wounds, of course.

I turned over on the bed, now staring at the ceiling. I couldn't help but wonder if I'd be in too much trouble for quitting my internship like that. Then again, it was just an internship. There were more to come so there was no reason to put it over my health... again.

My phone buzzed. I picked it up.

A message notification shone on the screen and I double tapped at it before putting in my password. My phone screen flickered to life once again, now with the messages opened.

Katsupow: Wdym a run-in with a villain?

Katsupow: Are you okay?

My mind flickered to the promise Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki and I made to the chief of police.

You: Nothing major, dw

You: Everything's okay, I just have to rest for a while

A minute of silence.

Katsupow: Hhh

Katsupow: You're an idiot, Y/n

Katsupow: But whatever

Katsupow: I gtg now, I'll see you back at school

I stared at the screen with a frown as Bakugou went offline. He seemed angry.

I snorted, realizing what I'd thought. He was always angry.

Still, there was a small doubtful voice in the back of my mind that I couldn't shake off until the internships ended and all of us got back to school. He's never angry around me...

With a sigh, I shook my head, trying to shake off that thought. It'd been tormenting me for days and even then, when Bakugou would soon walk through the class doors, there was a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I was overlooking a crucial part of the big picture.


We all gathered back at school when the internships ended and, naturally, the moment I entered the room, Midoriya inquired about my well-being. I answered honestly — my head was still a bit dull and spun every time I stood up from a chair or something of the sort and my stomach still stung with every step but I'd gotten used enough to the pain to not think much of it.

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