24 - ʜᴇʀᴏ ɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ

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Previously on Latibule:

Just like that, we were dismissed. I didn't linger to chat like I usually did. Instead, I bid my goodbyes and went as I knew my parents were waiting.

My mind, however, was having a conversation of its own. There was something different in the air.

I looked at the sunset, a strange feeling brewing in the very depths of my heart. I could feel a change coming. If it was for better or for worse, that I had yet to learn.


Latibule — Chapter 24///Hero Names


The two days we were given to recover passed in the blink of an eye and, sooner than I'd hoped, I was walking to school yet again. The pitter-patter of the rain along with the murmurs of the morning crowd accompanied me during the first few minutes of my walk.

Then, to my surprise, a little girl ran up to me and grabbed my sleeve. "Hey!"

I turned to face her, crouching down to be at her eye level. "Oh, hi." I looked around, trying to see if she had a parent in sight. "What's going on?"

"You're Y/n L/n!"

"Uhh, that I am."

"Your quirk is so cool!" the girl exclaimed, innocent admiration in her eyes before she looked at me more searchingly. "Are you okay? You fell in your match against the ice guy."

"Oh, yeah, I am. Thank you for ask—"

"Shiori!" A woman ran up to the girl, taking her by the shoulders. "There you are, don't run off like that!" I stood up and she turned to me. "Thank you so much for looking after my daughter."

"Oh, it's no problem, really," I shrugged it off. "Your daughter's very nice. She just wanted to talk."

"She's L/n from the Sports Festival, mama!" the girl butted in.

"Oh." Recognition crossed the mother's face before she smiled at me. "My daughter admires your quirk. It's quite similar to her own."

"Yeah, yeah, see?" The girl — Shiori — exclaimed, extending her hands towards me. They were glowing, little sparkling dust pooling off of them.

"This is so cool," I gushed, looking at the sparkles before straightening myself up again. My shoulders sagged with regret as I looked at the pair. "It was nice to meet you both," I started, "but I really have to go now. I don't want to miss my bus to school."

"Yeah, come on, Shiori," the mother told her daughter as she gave a nod to me. "We should get going, too."

"Bye-bye, L/n!" Shiori waved at me, hanging from her mother's hand.

I waved back with a smile before walking on. It was lucky that I'd exited home earlier, otherwise I would've most definitely missed the bus.


I rushed to change my shoes before grabbing my bag from where I'd placed it on the floor and rushing towards my classroom. I still had a few minutes before the bell would ring and I wasn't planning on being late, not after I'd struggled to walk on the wet pavement without getting splashed by the passing cars.

I arrived at my seat, most of my classmates chattering on and on about how they'd been recognised. It was true that the Sports Festival had an impact, really. After the encounter with Shiori and her mother, a few more people had talked to me. Some had even told me they'd rooted for me from the very beginning. I mean — who would've guessed?

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