62 - ɴᴀʀʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜱᴄᴀᴘᴇ

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Previously on Latibule:

"I'll have you return my students, All For One!" he said, his signature smile twisted the same angry way it'd been twisted at the U.S.J..

"Have you come to kill me a second time, All Might?" the man — All For One — challenged.

Fear swelled in my chest. If he dared to challenge All Might... "Katsuki," I said, my volume normal but barely heard in the gusts of wind. The boy's red eyes met mine. "We have to get out of here."


Latibule — Chapter 62///Narrow Escape


The blond boy didn't have time to respond because the ground broke further and tossed us all — the league included — into the air. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, Bakugou somewhat using his body to shield mine as we crashed onto the cement again. Still, because of the strength of the force that threw us back, I flew out of his grasp and rolled on the ground a bit, loose bits of stone cutting into my skin.

The fog around us was still up but somehow, All for One's mocking voice rang through it. "It took you long enough to find us. It's only five kilometres from the bar to here and yet it was at least thirty seconds after I sent the nomu that you arrived. You've gotten weaker, All Might."

I pushed myself up from the ground, wincing as I did so, and rushed over to Bakugou without listening to All Might's response. I'd pretty much landed on the boy, so I didn't expect him to be conscious, and yet he was. I took his hand and pulled him up. He had scrapes and bruises ten times more than I did and yet his eyes quickly took in mine. Carefully, he touched one on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

My heart did a flip at the question. "Yeah, I am," I managed to say, to my surprise, without stammering. "Are you?" My eyes pointed at a large cut on his own arm. "That's probably going to scar... I wish there was a way to—"

Another gust of wind cut me off. I could barely see All Might being pushed away from us from the corner of my eye and then he was already out of sight. I made eye contact with my blond friend, alarmed. He quickly pushed me behind himself when the boss villain looked at us. "Don't worry, it'll take more than that to kill him." His voice hardened before the next sentence. "Get off the battlefield, Tomura. And take those children with you."

Red, claw-like things extended out of his fingers, clearing the fog as they cut through it and straight into Kurogiri's stomach. "Kurogiri. Warp them away."

One of the villains came forth frantically. "Be careful! One of the heroes messed with him and he's unconscious. I'm not sure what's going on but if you can teleport, why don't you get us out of here?"

I slowly backed up, pulling Bakugou with me. For once, he didn't feel the need to be stupid and play hero in a situation that was clearly bigger than him.

One of All For One's red-tinted claws dove to the ground a centimetre from my foot. "And where do you think you're going?" the man inquired.

I whipped my head around to look at him. He wasn't looking at Bakugou and me anymore but instead back at the villain who'd stepped out to protect Kurogiri. Calmly, like a father teaching a child, he explained why he couldn't teleport us with his quirk and finished it off with, "It's easier to have Kurogiri do it." The said villain's mist expanded suddenly and All For One retracted his claws. "Forcible quirk activation!" He turned to Shigaraki. "Leave this place."

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