55 - ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛʀᴇɴɢᴛʜ ɪɴ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀꜱ

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Previously on Latibule:

Our feet pounded against the ground as we ran, dodging branches that hang too low to comfortably pass under. The air was thick, a tinge of smoke ever-present in the black fog of fear. Despite being a hero-in-training myself, my heart was racing, in perfect sync with the waves of emotions that rolled off of the others.

I bit my lip as I skidded to a stop, watching the fog around us that wasn't from my quirk. This is even worse than the USJ...!

With that, I made a decision.


Latibule — Chapter 55///The Strength In Numbers


"Iida," I called, stopping the rest of the group.

"What is it? Is everything alright?" the boy questioned, worried.

"The others have probably got lost in this fog so you guys go ahead, I'll go take them back to campus also," I said, already taking a few steps to go back into the forest.

"How do you know you won't get lost?" the boy questioned.

"I can feel the surroundings with my quirk," I explained determinedly. "I'll avoid the villains, too."

Iida became serious. Then he sighed. "Alright. Be careful."

"Yes, boss," I saluted before running back the way we came, careful to avoid the clearing the game started from.

My head swirled with thoughts, which I struggled to keep at bay (though I should have been more aware of my surroundings), and my feet pounded against the ground as I tried to feel my classmates with my quirk. Yet, the woods felt empty.

My heart started to pick up the pace out of worry. Are they alright? What other villains are there? What is their intention? This is a pretty serious attack so there is no way they don't have a goal. Is it even smart to gather up? There's strength in numbers, of course, but isn't it easier for them to find us this way? What can I even—

My thoughts were cut off by Mandalay's quirk. Telepath. Everyone in Class A and Class B. In the name of the Pro Hero: Eraserhead, you are granted permission to engage in combat. I repeat — use your training. You may fight these villains!

I hummed. I guess it is really safer this way.

In a few moments, there was another message. I took the moment to catch my breath, squatting down.

Listen, we've discovered one of the villain's targets. It's a student named 'Kacchan'.

My breath hitched. That's what Midoriya calls Katsuki! My blood ran cold. No way... It's logical they're after him of all people but-

Kacchan, you should try to avoid combat.

Despite the situation, I felt the need to scoff at the ridiculous idea that Bakugou of all people would avoid combat if he was given the chance to participate in it. As if he would...

And stick to a group. I hope you can hear me!

When Mandalay stopped, I deemed my break to be over and started jogging again, trying to get a feel at my surroundings.

Wait! I thought, stopping again as I felt something ahead of me. There's—

Suddenly, I heard a yell. Or a screech, rather.

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