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Previously on Latibule:

I frowned but didn't pry any further, for it was clear that Bakugou didn't want to talk about whatever had been on his mind at that moment.

Still, even an hour or so later when I'd been home for a while already, I couldn't stop thinking about the incident. It felt as if I'd missed a big opportunity.

The only problem was that I didn't know what the opportunity had been.


Latibule — Chapter 32///Exams


The exams finally rolled around and the written ones passed by in a breeze and it was as if the answer to every question echoed through my head in Bakugou's voice. Thus, I walked out of it confidently, looking forward to the physical ones, too.

Still, I hoped they wouldn't be too hard, for I hadn't focused on training my quirk too much. But I supposed it would be no biggie, for I'd heard we'd be fighting the giant robots from the entrance exam.

We got into our hero costumes, which we were to wear for the practical exam, and headed to the place where it would be held.

My heart skipped a beat in terror as I spotted that our homeroom teacher wasn't the only teacher there. But that means... I didn't know what it meant but I was sure we wouldn't be fighting robots.

"Now then," Mr Aizawa spoke and I realized I'd soon find out what the end of my hero career would be. "Let's begin the last test. Remember that it's possible to fail this final. If you wanna go to camp then don't make any stupid mistakes."

My heart plummeted. I'd known the consequences of failing but I hadn't really thought about the possibility of failing itself.

"Why are all the teachers here?" Jirou asked, voicing everyone's thoughts. Well, I didn't know what the others were thinking but the question was definitely on my mind.

"I suppose many of you have been gathering information and have some idea of what you'll be facing today," Mr Aizawa said, his expression betraying nothing (as always).

"We'll be fighting those big old robots!" Kaminari cheered.

"Fireworks and smores, here we come!" Mina added.

"Actually, this year's exams will be completely different for various reasons."

My heart plummeted even further (and I was pretty sure it'd buried itself by now) at the sight of the voice's owner — principal Nezu.

"You're changing things?" Yaoyorozu asked, her voice higher with nerves.

"The tests now have a new focus," the mouse-bear went on. "There will be hero work, of course, but also teamwork and combat between actual people.

So what does that mean for you? You, students, will be working together in pairs and one of your opponents will be one of our esteemed U.A. teachers, isn't that fabulous?"

The grieving silence that floated over me and my classmates was a negative answer to the principal's question.

A shiver ran down my spine. Teamwork wasn't one of my strong suits, or rather, I hadn't practiced it or taken it into consideration that I'd need to work with and for someone else, too.

"Additionally, your partners and your opponents have already been chosen," Mr Aizawa added and I could've sworn that at that moment, all the teachers looked a bit sinister. "They were determined at my discretion which was based on various factors including fighting style, grades, and personal relationships."

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