61 - ᴀ ᴄʜᴀʟʟᴇɴɢᴇʀ

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Previously on Latibule:

"Katsu—" I coughed, being cut off when the same grey liquid burst out of my mouth.

Panic took the blond's eyes and he was about to answer me when his mouth, too, started spewing the disgusting goo.

It rose up to my eyes in a matter of seconds, making me close them. My lungs burned in need of oxygen and only one thought was bouncing around my head. Why couldn't it have been so simple...?


Latibule — Chapter 61///A Challenger


I fell onto my knees, Bakugou barely staying on his feet as he coughed beside me, the grey goo spewing everywhere. My head was rhythmically aching, blood flowing through my ears.

The boy beside me didn't seem any better as he choked out, "Dammit! What the hell?"

"My apologies Bakugou, L/n," said the figure in front of us, his voice sounding muffled and echoing, as if he was wearing a mask.

Which, I realised when I looked up, he was.

"Huh?" Bakugou questioned, keeping his eyes trained on the villain as he pulled me up from the ground. I was standing beside him when more grey goo appeared in the air around us, the members of the League of Villains tumbling out from them.

They were coughing too. I felt a bit bittersweet about the fact. One would've thought they're accustomed to this type of transportation...

Shigaraki was the first to recover. "Master..." he rasped.

I took a step closer to Bakugou. If that man was the one to bring up a freak such as Shigaraki, he couldn't be good news.

"So, you've failed once more, Tomura," the man sighed.

I pulled a face. Yikes... But if he calls Shigaraki by first name, they must be quite close.

"But you must not be discouraged. You'll try again, that's why I brought your associates back with you."

I glanced at the villains around us. I get it! They're like a messed up family of sorts. A really messed up family.

"Even these children. Because you judged that they were important pieces on your game board."

I froze for a second, waiting for what was to happen. Luckily, the man passed Bakugou and I and reached a hand out to Shigaraki instead. "Start over as many times as it takes. I am here to provide you with help. All of this is for you."

Despite not agreeing with the man's morals, I couldn't help but admire the way he was willing to give Shigaraki a second — or third, fourth, fifth — chance. It reminded me of a time when I was learning to ride a bike but I kept breaking and melting it because of my quirk. My father wouldn't be mad, instead he'd use his own quirk to fix my bike again, at the same time teaching me the basics of controlling my own. I smiled a bit, looking at Shigaraki and his "master". If they'd just made different choices...

The ifs were brushed from my head as the evil mastermind and provider — presumably — raised his gaze and said, "Ah, there you are."

A moment later, All Might came flying through the air, about to punch the man. To my surprise and horror, the man managed to catch his punch, the shockwave that came off of them so strong it broke the ground.

"I'll have you return my students, All For One!" he said, his signature smile twisted the same angry way it'd been twisted at the U.S.J..

"Have you come to kill me a second time, All Might?" the man — All For One — challenged.

Fear swelled in my chest. If he dared to challenge All Might... "Katsuki," I said, my volume normal but barely heard in the gusts of wind. The boy's red eyes met mine. "We have to get out of here."

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