36 - ꜱᴜʀᴘʀɪꜱᴇ

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Previously on Latibule:

It even stuck with me in the darkness that followed. Everything was hazy. My head felt so... stuffed. My heart weighed heavy in my chest.

From the darkness there came colors. Yellow, green, blue, purple, red, pink, brown... I was surrounded by so many colors I could barely tell one from the other and, still, I felt as if I was standing alone in the dark void.

Then I gasped, sitting up on my bed. And the world had never been clearer.


Latibule — Chapter 36///Surprise


I wandered down the stairs, staring at the calm air. It was see-through, as it had always been, but occasionally there was a tint of color. For example, passing a mirror, I spotted a cloud of orange and yellow swirling around myself and there was a constant soft white calmness in the air, hanging in the halls like ever-lasting fog.

I heard the door open and from around the corner, where the front room was, wisps of yellow and red floated towards me as I heard my father's voice. "I'm home!" it called.

The white disappeared, orange taking its place as I rounded the corner and engulfed my father in a hug as soon as I made sure that it was actually him. "Dad! You're home... How are you home?"

He smiled at me, pastel tones of yellow, orange and red swirling around him. "I got back early because..." He eyed mom, who stood patiently behind me. "We have a surprise for you."

I raised a brow, pushing the colors into the back of my mind so I could focus on my father. They seemed to dim along with my curiosity towards them but they were still there. "What is it?"

"We're going to I-Island!" mom exclaimed. "Your father and I were invited to an event there because of work."

"What's I-Island?" I asked. I'd never heard of the place.

"It's an artificial island where scientists work on quirk research," mom explained. "They need our help with a few designs."

"And you can bring me along?" I asked, excited.

"Yes," dad nodded. "You can bring your hero costume too." He lifted the suitcase. "It's the perfect place to train and use your quirk for games and such and I dealt with getting the permission from the school, too."

"That's so cool!" I beamed, the yellow fog all around me starting to glimmer. "When are we leaving?"


My eyes went wide. "Tomorrow?!"

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