73 - ᴅʀᴀᴍᴀ Qᴜᴇᴇɴ

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Previously on Latibule:

When we pulled back, I could only smile up at the boy before me. The boy I'd spent hours thinking about and more hours trying not to think about. The boy who now stood before me, being honest and open about what he felt.

In return, I could only do the same.

"I love you, too, Katsuki."


Latibule — Chapter 73///Drama Queen


We exited the forest, our hands laced together. Kirishima immediately gave Katsuki a thumbs-up and Mina beamed at me.

Embarrassed, I took a step away from the boy. "I should probably..."

Katsuki smiled at me. "Of course. I'll see you at dinner."

My heart beating as if it was truly alive for the first time and my motivation as high as the cloudless sky, I returned to Ojiro, surprise-attacking him from the back.

The boy laughed, grinning at me. "Game on, L/n."

We sparred for a while and I didn't get tired as I would have without the previous events that were still on the forefront of my mind. Love was a strong motivation and my life seemed like a fairytale, as weird as that might sound.

That is until my stomach grumbled, about at the same time as Iida called us all into the dorm house to freshen up before eating. I thanked Ojiro for the lesson and agreed on the next training time before rushing to the girl's shower room.

There, I was immediately welcomed by Mina.

"Y/n! You have to tell me everything!"

I chuckled at the girl's reaction. "I can't tell you everything about my life! Something has to be my little secret, too."

"But why?" Mina whined, her shoulders stooping. "I can't handle it when the hot tea is spilling and I can't be the one to clean it up! Besides, this is the hottest of the hot tea! Have you seen yourself and Bakugou together?"

I blushed at her words but decided to answer despite the teasing tone in her voice. "Frankly, no."

Mina hummed. "Guess I should've seen that answer coming. But seriously! You two were so cute already when you danced back at I-Island!"

I snapped to look at her, not remembering her to have been there. "How do you know about I-Island?"

She winked at me. "I have my sources! But now shower quickly so you can get back out to your Romeo!"

With that, Mina left me in the showering room alone, but not before I could send an eye roll her way. As much as I appreciated her company, she could be such a drama queen sometimes, always up in everyone else's business.

I looked into the mirror thoughtfully. But maybe that's what makes it fun. 

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