09 - ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴅɪᴀ

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Previously on Latibule:

"I'm not pitying you, Bakugou — you truly are strong."

He scoffed, indicating that I should leave him alone. But I couldn't leave without making a point. "I'm gonna be honest, Bakugou. You're not the strongest. But that's okay." He gave me no reaction whatsoever. "You're stronger than most and sometimes that's enough, is it not? Think about it."

I walked ahead of him, respecting both him and my safety.


Latibule — Chapter  9///The Media


I got off the bus and walked up the hill, my brows furrowed at the commotion that was in front of the school. It seemed like a bunch of reporters were trying to get students' attention for whatever reason.

I was also pulled in front of the microphone by my shoulder. "Hey," I exclaimed softly, shrugging the hand off. I liked my personal space, thank you very much.

"What's it like to have All Might as a teacher?" a microphone was shoved in my face and cameras were filming me from every angle.

What's it like invading people's lives? I wanted to counter but instead gave a polite smile. "He's got his own way of teaching, like everybody else here."

"What's his way of doing things?" The microphone came even closer.

"Miss," I started a bit uncomfortably, staring at the reporter, "I don't know, I've had only one lesson with him."

"Is he a good teacher?"

I staggered back, away from the crowd and the microphone. "I don't have enough information to give an adequate answer to that."

"But what do you think?" The reporter seemed desperate.

A rough hand landed on my shoulder, pulling me away. "I think that if you keep pestering us, we'll be late," Bakugou huffed, pushing me towards the school.

"Oh wait, aren't you that sludge villain kid?" the reporter realized, starting to follow us.

Bakugou let go of my shoulder to stuff his hands into his pockets. "Walk away," he huffed.

I gave a somewhat apologetic smile to the reporter before speeding up my step, feeling bad for the next victim of the press. "Thanks," I told Bakugou, stabbing his side with my elbow.

He took a step to his right, away from my touch. "Don't mention it."


"Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys," Mr Aizawa said, basically making us feel as if we had been complimented. "I saw the video feeds and went over each student's results."

I scrunched my nose a little at the mention of results. Mine had been pretty bad, after all.

"Bakugou." Mr Aizawa looked at the boy. "You're talented so don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay."

Bakugou looked away from our teacher's gaze. "Yeah, whatever."

"Midoriya." Midoriya stiffened with embarrassment. "I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder and don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk — that line's already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here." Mr Aizawa looked down before the next sentence. "But your quirk will be really useful if you get a handle on it, so show a little urgency, huh?

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