Pressure and Paris

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I woke up the next morning feeling more than annoyed at my sister

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I woke up the next morning feeling more than annoyed at my sister. I mean come on this is two spring breaks in a row that she's been hunted by vampires forcing others to risk their lives and help. Nevertheless, I have been doing my best to help the wolves find Victoria not really interested in wasting so much time. 

I was sitting at Sam's when Jacob and Bella walk in. I heard them talking about the Cullens and Jake asked "do any of the Cullens have gifts other than Edward?" 

"Yes." Bella spoke causing my eyes to widen and turn into a glare as I realized that she was telling them everything. "Jasper can feel and manipulate emotions. Alice can tell the future based on decisions." 

I continued to glare at Bella as she kept talking then Bella has the dumbass idea to go cliff diving which I wasn't shocked about or that she's convinced Jacob into considering the fact that he is a puppy dog when it comes to her. 

Jacob and Bella headed to the cliffs to go cliff diving and Bella jumps before going under and not coming up making Jake dive in after her and both Sam and I groan as we realizes that this is yet another time where someone has to save her. 

Jacob managed to pull her out of the water which I was glad about but only to the extent that I didn't particularly want to spend the energy and the effort trying to explain what happened to Charlie. 

Sam then got a phone call before heading to his car. I looked at him "what's wrong?" 

Sam sighed "Harry Clearwater had a heart attack." My eyes widened before I got in the car with Sam and we both headed to the hospital. I texted Jasper on the way telling him that the wolves knew about his gift through Bella. 

He was about as annoyed as I expected him to be which was quite annoyed. He let out a string of curses through text that made me laugh before Sam pulled up at the hospital and we headed in to see Harry. Sam and I got there as Harry's heart gave out and I could tell that Sam was angry given that he was shaking. 

I quickly allowed my powers out wrapping around him and keeping him calm while also preventing him from changing at least not inside. I knew that Sam wouldn't forgive himself if he hurt someone else. Sam and I headed back to the Rez mainly because Sam was my friend and I refused to leave him when he was this upset. 

We got to the Rez and told Jake who collapsed and Bella had tears running down her cheeks not that I cared. Jake drove the both of us back to Charlie's before Bella shouted "that's Carlisle's car." I looked where she was pointing and for once she was right it was the father Cullen's car parked in our driveway. 

Bella immediately got out and Jacob looked at us "We're on Cullen land. I can't protect you guys now." I nodded in thanks to Jacob as he took off into the woods. Bella walked into the house and flicked on the lights just as I was answering a text from Jasper. I hoped against all hope that when I looked up that it would be Jasper.

Short one and more of a filler but next chapter the Cullens are back and shit hits the fan. 

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