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7 Weeks & 3 Days - yungatita

❝I didn't even get it why

Why you gotta say goodbye?❞

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AUGUST, 1983

Sweat, music, sex, and underage drinking. A toxic yet euphoric combination and my preferred way to spend a Saturday night.

Peeking over to my right, I narrow my eyes at the naked boy snoring loudly on the bed beside me. We had just finished not even three minutes ago and he's already passed out, drooling on his pillow. He wouldn't have been my first choice, but he was available and he didn't seem like a total ass, so I can't really complain.

But, he does have nice hair, and, I guess, a somewhat attractive face. It all cancels out though when I take his snobby privileged boy vibe into account.

My nose scrunches as I use two fingers to free myself of the boys arm on my stomach before letting his arm fall into the bed next to me. I pull the duvet off of my half clothed body before bending down and picking up my underwear and black jeans. After pulling them on and lacing up my shoelaces, I don't spare the snoring boy a glance before heading out the door.

I stagger slightly as the loud music and the scent of booze from downstairs hits me, but continue on anyways. Walking down a flight of stairs, I pass by a couple sucking each others faces. I grab a red solo cup out of the boys hand and take a drink. It doesn't even faze him, instead he uses his newly freed hand to grope the girl in front of him as I walk away. I did glance back just for a moment to make sure they were both into it before turning back around.

Hey, as long as it's consensual, it's none of my business.

Getting into the living room of the house where most of the occupants of the party dance, I push past the plethora of drunk teenagers while simultaneously trying not to spill anything on my outfit. I've already had more than a few drinks, so it's not an easy task. Eventually, I decide to chug the rest of my stolen drink and throw the empty solo cup on the floor, leaving it for the poor soul who lives in the house to clean up when they wake the next morning with what is bound to be a raging hangover.

I don't even know who's house I'm in, not that it would matter either way. I got the address and arrived an hour late, same thing every weekend. Most parties weren't as big as this one, but it's the last week of summer before we have to go back to school, so everyone is using the opportunity to get fucked up beyond repair.

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