11: Tap, Tap, Tap

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Elegia - New Order

┌────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┐TAP, TAP, TAP└────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┘

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Tap, tap, tap.

The sound of my heavy curtains hitting the walls with the irregular wind from outside is the only sound I've been hearing since I've been here, but I'm too afraid to move them and risk making a sound. I can't tell whether it's the only thing keeping me from losing it, or if it's been slowly driving me insane.

Tap, tap, tap.

I don't know how long I've been hiding in my bedroom. Honestly, the longer I sit here, the more everything starts to scramble into one big blur in my mind. It feels like hours have gone by, but there's not exactly a day and night cycle where I am. I do know that I've been here for at least a day. The sharp pains coming from my empty stomach confirms that as well as my aching back.

Tap, tap, tap.

I gained the courage to use the light I've created in my hands to warm myself up, but it's not doing the best job since I don't want the light to get too bright and attract whatever I'm hiding from.

...What I'm hiding from.

Tap, tap, tap.

What am I hiding from again?

A distant roar causes the memories to flood back all at once before my head snaps up from where it had been resting on my folded arms. I quickly get up from my spot on the floor, suppressing a wince from my locked muscles, and peek out of my bedroom window in time to see the creature from before break through the tree line. It stumbles to a stop before it's head snaps towards me and I immediately crouch down and press my back to the wall as my chest heaves with fear, hoping that it somehow didn't see me.

Tap, tap, tap.

How did it find me? It could be from screaming for Jim, but that was hours ago, right?

It's not until I feel the creature pounding it's fists on the wall behind me that I get up and attempt to sprint out of the room. Getting into the hallway, I flinch when I hear the creature break through the glass of my window. I use the wall to keep me balanced until I can get into Jim's room and lock the door behind me.

As the creature begins to pound on the door, I frantically open the bedroom window and climb out, hopping on the ground outside. I guess the universe decided that I just haven't been beaten down enough because when I hit the ground, my vision swims crazily. I groan out and clench my teeth as I fight the bile that desperately wants to escape my body, but I still continue on until I enter the forest.

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