1: Group Project

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Fire - Jimi Hendrix

❝I have only one a-burnin' desire

Let me stand next to your fire❞

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My eyes involuntary flutter closed, but I quickly bring myself back to reality before my chin can slip from my hand and I embarrass myself in the middle of class. That's happened once before, and it's all anyone talked about for weeks.

Everyone around me continues to take their seats for the last class of the day and I continue to ignore them, just wanting the day to end so I can go home. Mondays already suck, and it doesn't help that Mrs. Click is the worlds most annoying history teacher.

The bell rings just as Mrs. Click claps her hands, a 'trick' she does every single day. I think that she finds it impressive, but in reality it just makes me jump.

"Alright, today we're continuing our lesson-" Mrs. Click is quickly interrupted when none other than Steve Harrington bursts through the door, all of his books almost falling to the floor. Steve is a year older than me, but he's retaking History in place of an elective since he flunked a semester last year.

Steve spares Mrs. Click a glance before heading towards his seat on the opposite side of the room as me. "Sorry," he mutters as he sits down. He loudly situates his books on his desk, causing me to slightly shake my head in annoyance.

Since Carol has been sticking around me, and Steve and Tommy are best friends, I've had no choice but to spend time with him, but that doesn't mean I enjoy it. Steve is obnoxious, stuck up, spoiled, and popular. I really shouldn't be annoyed at him for being popular, though. If we're being technical, I would be considered popular too. 'King Steve' and 'Queen Luna', that's what everyone calls us.

The difference between Steve and I is that I don't care about popularity but Steve strives for it.

"As I was saying," Mrs. Click continues. "Today we're continuing our lesson on 'A Midsummer Night's dream'. We finished reading yesterday, so I'm assigning you all a group project surrounding the overall themes," Mrs. Click pauses when Tammy raises her hand. "Yes, Miss. Thompson?"

Tammy lowers her hand and straightens up in her seat. She glances at Steve to make sure he's watching before speaking to Mrs. Click while twirling her hair. "Sorry, Mrs. C, but I still don't understand why we're reading in a history class."

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