22: Heavy Heart

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Oceans - Seafret

❝We hide our emotions under the surface and try to pretend❞

❝We hide our emotions under the surface and try to pretend❞

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Steve nods his head and bumps arms with me as we dance in the middle of Tina's crowded living room. I'm slowly beginning to loosen up, but I have to admit that it's weird to be at a party without a red solo cup in my hand.

Steve and I are dressed as Han Solo and Princess Leia from Star wars. I have on a white skirt, a white long sleeved shirt, and white boots. My hair is pulled up into two buns on either side of my head with a few pieces pulled out to frame my face, and my makeup is a little more dramatic than usual with sharp eyeliner and red lipstick. Steve has on a white button up, with the first few buttons undone to show off his toned chest, a black vest, and black pants with a harness strapped to his right thigh.

I proposed the idea of gender swapping our costumes, but Steve shut that idea down straight away. It's too bad that he cares about other people's opinions because I would've liked to see him in a skirt.

Steve shuffles closer to me so he doesn't have to shout over the music. "I'm proud of you, you know."

"What? Why?" I ask with a smile.

"For being here. I'm proud of you."

Without knowing how to respond, I simply smile and lean in to place a soft kiss his cheek. Pulling back, I see that I've left a red lipstick stain on his flushed skin.

"We've got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington," A new voice says that immediately wipes the smile from my face.

Tommy stands behind Billy Hargrove as his new henchman, patting his back with a smug smile as Billy puffs his chest and gives me a sly wink.

"Yeah! Eat it, Harrington!" Another boy eggs him on.

I roll my eyes and pat Steve's chest before walking away, not wanting to deal with all of that tonight. I eventually find Jonathan standing in the kitchen and make my way towards him.

"Hey, Jonny," I greet.

"Hey," Jonathan glances at me with a half smile before looking back into the crowd of dancing teenagers.

I follow his line of sight to see Nancy dancing by herself, drinking from a red solo cup. There's nothing wrong with her letting loose and having fun, but just earlier today she was on the brink of a breakdown and now she's drinking more than she ever has. "Is she okay?"

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