19: Techie Dweebs

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Just Another Day - Oingo Boingo

❝It's just another day

When people wake from dreams

With voices in their ears

That will not go away❞

┌────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┐TECHIE DWEEBS└────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┘

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October is my favorite month of the year. Why? Well, because one, I absolutely love Halloween, and two, it's my birthday month. My birthday actually falls on Halloween as a matter of fact.

Don't get me wrong. I don't like celebrating my birthday, but that's why a halloween birthday is special. I get the party without sentimental value.

The only bad thing about this year is that I've been sober for a good six months now and I've decided that a party might not be the best thing for me, but I'm going to try to not let that get me down. I've had a few set backs in the last year, especially in the beginning of my sobriety, but six months is my new record, and I'm not planning on breaking that any time soon.

I haven't felt this good in a while. My skin feels clearer, I've been told that I've been more energetic, and overall, I'm the happiest I've been in a long time.

But that's only most of the time.

Ever since getting stuck in the Upside Down, I sometimes have moments of dissociation. These 'episodes' are usually like the one I experienced on Christmas Eve last year. Something triggers me, I freeze, I see scary shit, and then I snap out of it. Luckily for me, I stopped puking up slugs a few months ago.

Sometimes they're not too bad, and sometimes they ruin my whole day. They did slow down for a while, but recently they've been picking back up and I'm not sure why. Sadly for me, the episodes are hard to hide when I randomly curl up into a ball and start hyperventilating.

Shocking, I know.

Jim talked to me about it, and apparently Will has been experiencing something similar. After assessing the pros and cons, we've both been going to the Hawkins Lab occasionally to have them poke and prod at our brains much to my displeasure.

Jim and I both know the risk of the lab finding out about my abilities, but I can't exactly go to a licensed therapist and tell them about Demogorgons and alternate dimensions. Jim insists that it could help me in the long run as long as I let them help me, but what am I going to learn from a team of previously corrupt doctors that I don't know already?

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