28: Expanded Menu

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Call Me - Blondie

❝Call me (Call me) I'll arrive

You can call me any day or night❞

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After buying an entire buckets worth of raw steak, Steve, Dustin, and I prepare to make a trail and lead Dart to a place that Dustin had suggested. We decided to wait until today so that we could try and sleep in order to have more energy for what is going to go down later. In between last night and now, Dustin has tried contacting his friends using his walkie, but nobody has responded.

Earlier this morning, I had Steve take us to my cabin so that I could tell Jim and Eleven what's going on or at least warn them, but neither of them were there. It's like everyone has gone AWOL. So, not only am I worried about this stupid baby Demogorgon situation, I'm also starting to really worry for my family's safety.

"Dustin! This is Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin?" Lucas' voice emits from Dustin's walkie.

Dustin removes his protective gloves and walks a few feet away from Steve and I to answer. "Well, well, well, look who it is."

"Sorry, man. My stupid sister turned it off."

"Well, when you were having sister problems, Dart grew again, he escaped, I'm pretty sure he's a baby Demogorgon, and I found out that he's Luna's son," Dustin explains, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Wait. What?"

"I'll explain later. Just meet me, Steve, and Luna at the old junkyard."

"Steve and Luna?" Lucas repeats as Steve and I gather up all of the items, including a bat, the buckets of meat, and a can of gasoline.

"And bring your binoculars and wrist rocket," Dustin adds.

"Steve Harrington and Luna Hopper?"

Steve closes the trunk as I grab onto a bucket of steak. "Alright. Let's go," he says.

"Just be there, stat. Over and out," Dustin turns off his walkie and follows Steve and I into the woods.

✧─── • ・ ☾ • ˚ ⋅ ☆ ⋅˚ • ☽ ・ • ───✧

"Alright, so let me get this straight," Steve starts as he throws another cube of steak onto the ground. We've been following the train tracks for a while as Dustin filled us in on the deeper details of Darts childhood story. "You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl who... who you just met?"

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