35: Pig Latin

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On A Bicycle Built For Two - Nat King Cole

❝Daisy, Daisy

Give me your answer do

I'm half crazy

All for the love of you❞

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I sit at the back rooms table with my arms cushioning my head as I closed my eyes, listening closely to the recording Dustin is playing for us. After the forth time the recording loops, Dustin stops it. "What do you think?"

Steve paces around the room in thought, occasionally taking a bite of his banana. "It sounds familiar," he says.


"The music."

I nod and hum the tune I've heard before, but I couldn't point my finger to where or when. Steve points at me in agreement and begins humming it with me.

"Why are you listening to the music?" Dustin asks, visibly annoyed. "Listen to the Russian! We're translating Russian!"

"I'm trying to listen to the Russian, but there's music-" Steve is cut off by Robin opening the door to the back.

"Alright, babysitting time is over. You need to get in there," she says. Steve stumbles back as Robin glances at the whiteboard that Dustin had erased to we're down the Russian alphabet. "Hey, my board. That was important data, shitbirds."

"I begged him not to erase it," I defend myself and raise my hands.

"I guarantee you, what we are doing is way more important than your data," Dustin says cockily, while Steve crosses his arms.

"Yeah?" Robin comes closer and leans her hands on the table. "And how do you know these Russians are up to no good anyways?"

Dustin, Steve, and I all share perplexed looks.

"How does she know about the Russians?" Dustin whispers.

"I don't know," Steve mumbles through a mouthful of fruit.

Dustin looks accusingly at me.

"I didn't tell her," I say, offended.

"Hello, I can hear you," Robin interrupts. "Actually, I can hear everything. You are all extremely loud. You think you have evil Russians plotting against our country, on tape, and you're trying to translate, but haven't figured out a single word because you didn't realize the Russians use an entirely different alphabet than we do. Sound about right?"

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