6: End of Beginning

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Don't Let The Sun Catch You Cryin' - Ray Charles

❝You done your daddy dirty

I tell you, he just don't want you no more❞

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Luna glares at the pitcher that stands a few yards ahead of her. She twists her right foot in the gravel, the bottom of her cleat roughing up the ground below her. She adjusts her grip on her bat as she readies herself for the ball.

This could be the last pitch of the day if Luna doesn't screw this up. It's the last inning, she's the last batter, and her team only needs one more point to win.

The pitcher glares right back at her and spits on the ground as a means of intimidation. It may be a little dramatic, but these are teams of little girls. What else could someone expect?

The pitcher reels back before forcefully throwing the ball towards Luna. Time seems to slow down in Luna's mind as she swings her bat and hits the ball with near perfect precision. She throws her bat to the side as she begins sprinting towards first base, all while looking at the ball from the corner of her eyes.

The ball flies over all of the opposing teams players until it lands on the other side of the outside fence. Luna doesn't believe it at first, but the stands of screaming parents and family members confirm her first ever home run. Luna laughs in disbelief and continues past first base, sending the pouting pitcher a cheeky smile and a wave as she runs past.

Finally rounding to home base, Luna throws herself into the arms of her cheering teammates, laughing at their praise. Her cheeks practically hurt from smiling so big, having not had this amount of attention in weeks.

If it wasn't for Luna, their team would have definitely lost.

Eventually, everyone heads into the dugout to gather their things. Luna slips into a pair of regular tennis shoes and stuffs her cleats into her bag before taking a drink from her water bottle.

"You ready?" Luna's friend, Stephanie, asks.

"Mhm" Luna nods as she swallows another mouthful of water.

Luna swings her duffel bag over her shoulder with ease. She may be small, but she has a lot of muscle for a ten year old. She walks side by side with Stephanie as they make their way to the stands to find Stephanie's mother.

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