18: Christmas Surprise

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Dissociation - Timber Timbre

❝A long, black cloud is coming down

And I'm going back to evil now❞

┌────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┐CHRISTMAS SURPRISE└────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┘

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(TW // throwing up, PTSD)


My eyes move around under my eyelids as I slowly regain consciousness. I feel the soft fabric of a bed under me, my clothes are light, allowing for the air to hit my skin, and low, calculated beeps come from my right. My hand gently squeezes the larger hand that clasps around mine, causing the person to my left to perk up.


My eyes flutter open to see Jim sitting in a chair next to me. He has a small smile on his face, complemented by soft, caring eyes.

"I thought hell was supposed to be on fire," I say slowly.

Jim sits up straighter with a light scoff and squeezes my hand. "You're at the hospital. You got out of surgery a little bit ago, so you might be groggy."


Well, that explains the beeping.

"But, I'm okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, kiddo. You're okay. You just lost a lot of blood, and they had to stitch you up. They also patched up your hand," he says, and I nod in response. "Do you remember what happened?"

I take a moment to think before I answer, still out of it from just waking up. "Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, and I fought the son of a bitch. I burned the hell out of him."

Jim lightly laughs and tilts his head down. "You sure did, kid. I'm so proud of you."

I smile a bit at his words before speaking. "Sarah was right."

I feel Jim's hand tense in mine. "What?"

"Sarah," I repeat. "She was in the moon. She said I'd be okay," I explain, not really knowing what I'm saying. "Is everyone else okay? Did you find Will?"

"Uh, yeah," Jim sniffles. "Yeah, everyone's okay. Will's okay."


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