4: Proposition

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Stuck In The Middle With You - Stealers Wheel

❝Clowns to the left of me

Jokers to the right

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you❞

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Once again, I find myself on the verge of falling asleep in a classroom, only today, I'm in first hour chemistry with Mrs. Howard. I honestly don't mind Mrs. Howard. Unlike Mrs. Click, she's actually funny and she makes the class interesting. If this wasn't only other class I have with Steve, I probably would actually enjoy it.

To my surprise, Steve actually shows up before the bell, walking in with a crowd of other students. He makes eye contact with me and I immediately avert my eyes, still embarrassed from last night.

No, wait. Why should I be embarrassed? I shouldn't care what Steve thinks of me.

Yeah, I don't care! In fact, I could give a rats ass.

I don't get to let my thoughts wander too long before I see a figure stop on the right side of my vision. Looking up, I see Steve standing with his books in one hand and his breakfast in the other.

"Do you need something?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow.

"No, I come baring a gift," he smiles, setting a bagel with bacon, eggs, and cheese on my desk with a napkin underneath it. "Take it as a second 'I'm sorry I was an asshole yesterday' apology gift."

After giving him a weird look, I slowly slide the napkin closer to me. "Thanks... I guess."

"No problem. Oh, I also brought..." Steve reaches into his back pocket and holds up a packet of salt and a packet of ketchup. "Tada! I didn't know how you like bagels, or if you like bagels at all, but yeah."

I accept the two packets and smile tightly at the boy, feeling awkward on how to accept the nice gesture.

"I really am sorry, and not just for what I said," Steve continues, gesturing with his hands nervously. "I shouldn't have come over last night. You were right, it was creepy and uncalled for, and I should've listened when you said not to come over-"

"Steve," I cut him off. "I forgive you, okay? Now, stop with the sorry's. It's giving me a headache."

Steve smiles apologetically. "Sorry," he says. I raise my eyebrows causing him to sigh. "Word vomit," he mutters.

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