29: Drunk Driver

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Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol

❝Got no human grace

You're eyes without a face

Such a human waste

You're eyes without a face❞

┌────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┐DRUNK DRIVER└────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┘

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Max and I continue to walk together along the train tracks, towards the direction the creatures ran. The others walk in front as I keep an arm around the smaller girl, remembering what it felt like the first time I encountered all of this insanity.

Steve occasionally glances back at me to make sure I'm okay. I show him that I am with a nod, and he does one back to let me know that he's alright. But it's not him that I'm super worried about right now. I can still feel Max's shoulders shaking from the events that took place a few minutes ago.

"So, Lucas really wasn't kidding," Max whispers for the first time in a few minutes of silence.

I sigh. "Nope. He wasn't."

"Okay, okay," she mumbles, seemingly trying to make sense of it all. "So, the first time around, you guys had a girl with superpowers helping you, right?"

"Mhm," I nod.

"So, how are we supposed to come out of this alive without her now?"

I turn my head towards her and give her a small smile. "Who says she's the only one with powers?" I ask. Max looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.

Huh. I guess Lucas never got that far into the story.

Or maybe he doesn't even know.

"You're positive that was Dart?" Lucas asks Dustin as they walk in front of us, causing me to shrug innocently at Max before tuning into their conversation.

"Yes. He had the same exact yellow pattern on his butt," Dustin responds.

"Wasn't he just a little lizard a few days ago? And doesn't that mean he's been small for months now?" I ask.

Lucas raises an eyebrow. "What?"

I simply ignore him and continue to question Dustin. "Why did he suddenly choose now to get bigger?"

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