15: Sensory Deprivation

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All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix

❝All along the watchtower

Gotta beware, gotta beware, I will❞

┌────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┐SENSORY DEPRIVATION └────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┘

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After leaving the police station, we made our way towards the Wheeler's household where we're currently watching from afar. I've been sitting in the car with Jonathan and Joyce, but I can still make out about a dozen men, all wearing suits, filing out of the house with boxes in hand to load into one of the many black cars parked along the street.

I just can't stop thinking about the fact that I could've been experimented on like the little girl Jim told me about. If they found out about me, what would they have done? Kidnapped me in my sleep and used me as a lab rat? Would they still do that if they found out about me today? What makes them any better than the monster that kidnapped me a few days ago?

"This is crazy, right?" I ask Jonathan who sits beside me. "Like, am I wrong to say that a lab full of corrupt scientists is crazy?"

"Would I be wrong to say that monsters from another dimension kidnapping kids is crazy?" he asks back.

I roll my lips in and squint my eyes at the boy before nodding with a shrug. "Good point."

Nancy is practically shoved into the seat next to me after Jim notices a helicopter flying above us. Jim gets in after her and turns to looks at the three of us in the back seat. "Look, we need to find them before they do. Do you have any idea where he might have gone."

Another thing worth mentioning is that the girl, generously named Eleven, has been staying at Mike's house and him and his friends have been looking after her.

"No, I don't," Nancy replies, obviously and visibly overwhelmed.

"I need you to think," Hopper says.

"I don't know! We haven't talked a lot. I mean, lately..." Nancy sighs.

"Is there any place that your parents don't know about that he might go?" Joyce asks.

"What about the, um..." I use my hands to imitate holding a box and extending an antenna from the top, remembering the device that I had seen strapped to Dustin's belt when him and his friends rushed to talk to me the other day.

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