3: Trailer With Character

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Ceilings - Lizzy McAlpine

❝Lovely to just lay here with you

You're kinda cute, and I would say all of this

But I don't wanna ruin the moment❞

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8:14 PM

I've felt bad ever since History for running my stupid mouth. I never know when to stop talking and all that ends up coming out is word vomit. Plus, the look on Luna's face... She thinks I just like her because we slept together when that's far from the truth. I've had my eye on her from the moment I met her, but every time I try to talk to her, she gives me the cold shoulder.

From what I know, she never talks about herself to anyone. She keeps herself closed off and that just makes me insanely curious as to who exactly Luna Hopper is.

What I do know is that she's an enigma. This might make me sound like a douche, but no girl has ever hated me like she does. It's not even like she has a reason to dislike me, she just does.

That's why I asked Tommy for her address.

Following the directions Tommy gave me, my brows pinch together as I drive through a dirt road in the middle of the woods and get to a small cream colored trailer on a side of Hawkins that I have never been to before. The trailer is sitting beside a secluded lake, and if it wasn't for the overgrown weeds in the yard and the lack of decoration, I'd say this place could be cozy.

I continue past the trailer and park my car in a hidden area close to the woods in case her parents were to come home. Luckily, I didn't see any cars out front, but I don't want Luna or myself to get an earful if they find out that I'm here.

Getting out of my car, I ball my hands into my jacket's pockets as I walk through the cold November air. I start in the back of the house and quickly peer into the windows until I get to a room where I see Luna on her bed reading a book. She lays next to two stuffed animals on her bed, one of a tiger, and the other is a blue hippo.

God, I must look like such a creep right now.

When I knock on the cold glass of the window, Luna's head swivels to me and her eyes immediately widen. She folds a page in her book to keep her spot and sets it on her dresser before she practically throws the stuffed animals under her bed. She quickly stands, walks over to the window, and slides it open as it creaks.

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