14: Regret

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Tainted Love - Soft Cell

❝I've got to get away

From the pain you drive into the heart of me❞

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I chew harshly on the last bite of a doughnut that Flo had given me while sitting next to Jonathan and Nancy in the Hawkins police station. I've been here before obviously, and Flo has taken a liking to me due to my apparent similarities to my step dad. I don't see it, but she constantly reminds me of it and gives me free snacks, so I'm not going to complain too much.

Nancy holds a towel wrapped around ice on Jonathan's face. She offered me ice for my fist, but I declined the offer. My hands are too still hot. The ice would've melted too fast to help. My hands should be cooled by now, but I'm still so angry.

I can't believe I'd be so stupid to even consider giving Steve a chance when I knew what the outcome would be. I could've told him the truth, but how would he react to it? I don't want to get him mixed up in all of this, but at the same time, I should at least be able to explain myself.

Why does this always happen to me? Why does everyone I love either leave me or hurt me?

I can't help but believe that I'm the one to blame. Either that, or some higher power that I don't believe in is being a real asshole. I mean, why else would this be a constant problem in my life? I didn't choose to be kidnapped and almost killed. I didn't choose for Sarah to die. I didn't choose for my mom to allow Jim to take me away from New York. What am I doing wrong?

"You okay?" Jonathan asks from beside me after noticing my pinched eyebrows.

"Yeah," I nod simply.

At least I'll finally be able to see Jim now that I'm here. I'm sure he'll be relieved to see me after thinking that I had gone missing, which is a weird thought considering that I don't remember the last time that he's shown an ounce of genuine care for me besides hearing him cry yesterday.

Speaking of the devil, Jim and Joyce Byers suddenly storm into the station, both of them looking as roughed up as we are.

"Hey, Jonathan?" Joyce walks up to her son.

When Jim sees me, he falters before relaxing and sighs in relief. When he continues toward me, I slowly stand up with my hands still cuffed in front of me. "Hey-"

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