16: The Bathtub

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Short Change Hero - The Heavy

❝I can't see where you're comin' from

But I know just what you're runnin' from❞

┌────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┐THE BATHTUB└────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┘

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"I did a good job right? You know, with the sensory deprivation stuff?" Dustin asks shyly as I help him carry the folded up kiddie pool into the middle school.

"Yeah, sure you did," I tell him, readjusting my half of the pool in my arms. This thing is surprisingly heavy, hence why I'm helping Dustin. If he could carry thing thing himself, I'd be in the gym right now pretending to be useful.

"Cool," Dustin smiles to himself before changing the subject. "So you were in the Upside Down?"

"Mhm," I hum as I open the doors to the school by leaning into them.

Dustin walks through the doors before we continue on. "What was it like? Was it all dark and mysterious?"

"No, it was full of candy and board games," I smile sarcastically.

Dustin's eyes light up, not catching on to my sarcasm. "Really?"

I merely shake my head and open the doors to the gym where I see Lucas standing with one hand on his hip while he looks at his watch. "Took you long enough," he says.

"Yeah, thanks for the help, asshole," I grunt as me and Dustin drop the pool in the middle of the gym.

"Yeah, asshole," Dustin repeats.

Lucas rolls his eyes before bending down and undoing the rope that secures the pool. "Whatever. Help me with this."

He finishes untying the rope before throwing it to the side and Dustin and I grab onto the sides of the pool and spread it out. "It's upside down," Dustin mumbles before we turn it over.

"This way," Lucas says as he grabs onto another side.

"How does this thing work?" I ask with an annoyed tone since the sides keep flopping down.

"Son of a bitch," Dustin curses.

"Pull it back!" Lucas orders.

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